Confessions Pt.2

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because if I stay I'll put you in danger because of what I am. Percy I really wanna be your girlfriend, trust me, I really do but, I cant risk you getting hurt because of me!" I said. Percy just looked at me, shocked.

"What do you mean what you are?" he asked.

"I-I'm a demigod." I said. Then Percy looked relieved and happy.

"Wooooohooooo!!!! This is the best day of my life!!" he shouted. By then I had stopped crying.

"A-are you a demigod too?" I asked.

"HELL YEAH! Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon." he said while holding out his hand. I shook his hand.

"Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena, and girlfriend of Percy Jackson." I said happily. Percy jumped like a little kid.

"WOOHOO YEAH SUCKERS I GOT A GIRLFRIEND WOOHOO LIFE RULES YEAH SUCKAHS CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT THIS BOOM!!!!!! YOU HEAR THAT PEOPLE YOU CAN'T HIT ON MY BEAUTIFUL GIRLFRIEND ANNABETH CHASE WOOHOOO YEAHHHHHH!!!!" he shouted to the whole cafeteria. By the end of that I was blushing like crazy so I just embraced him to hide my blushing face. He burried his face into my hair and said 3 words that made my whole world turn upside down.

"I love you." he said.

"I love you too." I replied. I wrapped my arms around his neck and put my forhead onto his and leaned in. He leaned in as well then our lips met. His lips were warm and tasted like sea water but, you dont see me complaining. Our lyps moved in sync and we broke apart then the bell rung. I laughed and hung my head back. We made our way to gym class.

=======TIME SKIP========

We were walking home, hand in hand. Wait a minute our parents!

"Percy our parents! We have to tell them!" I said as I dragged him to my house.

"Slow down, slow down jeez it's not like its the end of the world." he said.

"Percy you are my first friend, first best friend, first boyfriend! You are basically my whole social life!" I screamed.

"Oh that is a big deal. Lets go!!!" he said while running, soon we both started running. We reached my house I opened the door and let go of Percy's hand and missed the warmth of his hand.

"Dad, Helen, Bobby, Matthew!! I have something to announce!!!" I screamed. The twins rushed down and my parents just walked down. We sat down at the living room.

"Okay first of all, no reactions til after the announcement." I said. They all nodded and waited. I took a breath.

"MeandPercyaredating!" I rushed. They all looked confused and asked if I could repeat it slower.

"Me and Percy are dating." I braced myself for the scolding but, it never came.

"That's great!" my parents scram.

"Will you be kissing our sister now?" Bobby and Matthew asked. I and Percy just blushed til I realised there is one more.

"Oh btw Percy is a son of Poseidon. Wait you'll be coming to Camp Half-Blood with me?" I asked with my secret weapon. Puppy dog eyes. He looked helpless.

"Fine. But I have to ask my mom first." he sighed.

"Yay! Oh btw you have a half-brother at CHB." I said as if it was an everyday thing.


"Okay, okay calm down jeez. Wait dad, Helen we gotta go to Percy's to tell his mom about this." I said while dragging him to his house. He opened the door and called his mom to the kitchen.

"Mom I have 2 things to tell you. One, Annabeth is a demigod. A daughter of Athena to be exact. Second, she is my gjrlfriend now." he said. Then Sally hugged us..

"OTP FOR LIFE!" she screamed. "Percabeth rules!"

"Percabeth?" we asked.

"Percy + Annabeth= Percabeth duh. Its Aphrodite's new OTP." Sally said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Well I better get going bye sally!" I said.

"Ill walk you home." he said.

"Percy I can handle myself-

"I know. Its just that, thats what good boyfriends do." he said while smiling like he won a million bucks. I just blushed and nodded. He walked me up to the door and kissed my cheek.

"Hey, no cheating you gotta give your girlfriend a full kiss good night." I said while pouting. He just laughed and held me close then kissed me. We broke apart after a few seconds.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you too." he replied.

"Go home already you stink!" I said while pushing him away. He just laughed and waved goodbye as he headed home. I slept in my room thinking, 'This was the best day ever!' and slept with the widest smile.

Percabeth for everrrrr
Woohoo they finally got together! Ill see you guys tomorrow if my parents let me stay home again like today.


All rights belong to Rick Riordan except the plot line

Until next time guys byeeee

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