Captain America and Black Widow

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Hellooooooooo! Its mehhhh! Yeah that's kinda getting old now but OH WHALE!

Waddup guys! I'm back to ramble again!!!

So a shout out to y'all Marvel and Avengers fans out there WHOOOOOO!!!!

One of my OTP'S goes to freaking Captain America and Black Widow!! Those two have quite a lot of shippers including me!!! Like they're an amazing couple!

I ship Romanogers!! Stevetasha!! Captain Widow!! Chris and Scarlett Evans!!! You name those ship names!

Though what really bugs me is that people ship Bruce and Natasha together after Age of Ultron like seriously?

First of all I've been reading that people criticize the unintentional relationship and say that it shouldn't happen

No offense to people who ship them but honestly I don't think they would make a good couple.

In fact, Bruce is in a relationship in the Marvel comics and in the cartoon Avengers, Steve and Natasha get married and have a son.

I really hope something happens between them in Captain America: Civil War

Like the last Captain America, Steve and Natasha shared so many moments together even a kiss!! I ship them so bad guys...

They trust each other and don't want anything to happen to each other which makes their relationship invincible!

Sorry.. I'm kind geeking out right now haha but they are one of my biggest ships ever!!!

I cry every time I see a fanfic of them or a picture or fan art because I love it so much

Thanks for hearing me ramble!!

Happy reading!!


P.S. what is your ship?

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