Chapter 96: Godrics Hollow

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5th March 1981

"GOD DAMN IT EVANS! Why can't you see what's right in front of you?" James exploded.

"The only thing I see Potter is your blind belief in the non existent!" Lily argued, her hands fisting at her side.

"Non existent? Are you blind? You've seen the cloak! You've used it!" James shouted exasperated.

"Only you weren't so sure that it was a hallow until last month, were you?" Lily asked sarcastically.

"I didn't know better then!" James defended.

"And now you do?" She challenged.

"Yes I do! The hallows are real! The elder wand? Its history can be tracked for centuries-" James began only to be cut across.

"A wand doesn't make anyone more powerful! Besides you don't know that it's the same wand!" Lily debated.

"Fine the cloak! It's been in my family forever and-" James began again only to have his wife interrupt.

"Fine and the stone? You think a stone can bring people to life? You are going after nothing James! There is no proof! No evidence-" Lily snapped now more annoyed.

In the month since the escape from the Malfoy manor, James had been obsessed with the hallows; Initially it did everyone good, his mind was off Sirius and they preferred this mad hunt for non existent object over his reaction to what happened between the two Marauders that day.

But James's obsession with the hallows turned out to be a mere round about route to his obsession with Sirius and she was getting tired of it.

"I am trying to give you evidence!" James growled, his temper spiking to levels beyond her control.

"The Peverell's grave is not counted as evidence James and I do not want to see it!" She shouted, finally having had enough.

"What is it going to cost you to simply come down to Godric's hollow? I know you hate being proved wrong-" James bit out exasperatedly but Lily was done.

"Do what you want Potter. I'm taking Harry to see Alice" She told with finality in her tone before turning around and stalking to the door.

"Since you are so obsessed with Sirius, I suggest you listen to him and stay away" Lily added before slamming the door behind herself.

He remained standing there completely stunned. That was below the belt and he was sure his wife knew it.

It was after all common knowledge that Sirius asking him to bluntly stay out of his life was as painful as seeing the grim getting stabbed.

Furious and afraid of doing something utterly foolish, James hurried downstairs just in time to see her and Harry vanishing inside the fireplace.

"What was it about this time?" Dorea asked quietly as she came up behind him.

"I just want to go to Godrics hollow once" James replied bitterly. It frankly wasn't too much to ask, not according to him anyway.

"You promised Lily you wouldn't take off alone anywhere" Remus reminded, also walking over to where he stood.

"I'm not going anywhere alone" James snapped nettled before he suddenly turned to Remus.

The sandy haired Marauder noticed the look on James's face and took a step back, already shaking his head in a negative.

"Don't even think about it" Remus warned, except James had already formulated enough of a plan. Or at least as close to a plan James would ever get.

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