Chapter 6: Personal Vows

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The marauders had instantly taken to Hermione and in the three days that they had spent with her, they found that apart from the respect and awe that initially drew them to her, they each loved her for a different reason.

Remus loved that she was by self admission a nerd and a book worm that loved the library and complied with rules to a certain extent. The fact that she was also rational was just icing on his cake.

James though despairing in her lack of interest in Quidditch was absolutely delighted that there was finally a person in this world who listened to and understood his woes about the gorgeous lily Evans. Hermione had even promised to help him out once she got out of there.

Sirius loved that she was smart and witty and she held her own. There was also the fact that when he turned on her charms she just grinned and flirted back but never once judged him as a player. Neither did she fawn over his looks and feed his ego. She seemed to really understand him and that made him happy.

And of course there was the fact that she was bossy. Very very bossy. Even from her bed she began ordering them about with easy familiarity from the second day. They enjoyed it to be honest, being told off by a frail petite girl who couldn't even walk yet.

All in all Hermione had earned their genuine care and concern and each boy swore to make those brown eyes light up and Merlin help them, they would do it even if it took them all year.

They would make her smile reach her eyes. It was a silent but bonding vow that they each made and the world knows that when the marauders make an oath, they stick to it.


"One more word and I'm hexing you potter!" Lily Evans declared angrily, her green eyes flashing.

"But Evans I'm winning you this year! See if I don't!" James said confidently with that goofy smile plastered on his face.

"I warned you Potter!" she said drawing her wand when a loud boisterous voice called down from no where.

"PRONGSY! Your time with flower is up! we are going" the whole of the common room turned to see Sirius black jump down the last five steps from the boys dorm and stand there scanning the room for his friends while a quieter Remus lupin followed behind him.

Lily was about to tell him off for being so noisy when she saw James send a kiss flying her way before turning around and dashing away with a loud "sure! Lets go mate"

Every eye in the Gryffindor common room watched as the three marauders jumped out through the portrait hole before turning back to a dumbstruck Lily Evans. She didn't know what shocked her more, the kiss or the fact that he was gone at Sirius's first call instead of waiting as usual to be dragged out by his friends.


Peter Pettigrew watched from the shadows as his friends disappeared off to their detention. He sneered at their pathetic lie. They were all hopeless idiots who underestimated him and one day he was sure to teach them a lesson. But right now he had work to do.

Ever since the marauders had realized that Hermione Granger was still alive, he had been waiting to inform his new master. He had waited for the night of the full moon so that Lupin could assure them that she was indeed alive like his foolish friends believed and it was not just her body being kept there till someone claimed it.

But when Remus returned pale and shaky and told them what he had seen, peter had been confused. All three boys were sure that the death eaters were after her, after all what other explanation was there for that carving on her arm? He would have thought that too if he had not known better.

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