Chapter 12: Meet the girls!

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Hogwarts School of witch craft and wizardry had hundreds of curious teenagers, ghosts and even gossip loving portraits so it was no real surprise that every head was now turned towards the four sitting in the very end of the Gryffindor table.

They were laughing and chatting as they had their break fast, completely ignoring the fact that dozens of eyes were drilling into their heads. The marauders had gone missing three days back and now three of them had returned with the mystery girl they had all thought dead.

"Oh come on Lily!" a voice was heard whining trying to convince the stubborn head girl. The gorgeous red head was ignoring her friends and calmly sipping at her pumpkin juice.

"You cannot tell us that you aren't even the slightest bit curious" another girl argued.

"I am not" came the crisp reply.

"You are just being stubborn" the first girl said annoyed.

"Give her a break" a softer voice said sticking up for the head girl only to be greeted with two lethal glares.

A moment of silence later the whole hall heard a gasp from the red head who was now struggling to free herself from her friends who were trying to drag her over to the marauders.

"Fine I'll come. Just to see Remus. Now let me go" she said embarrassed at the scene they had caused.

"That's our girl" the two voices chorused, while the third tried to suppress a laugh and the four girls walked over to where the marauders sat.


James was looking at Hermione with his best kicked puppy expression. The girl merely ignored him and continued to calmly slice her toast, take a bite and chew on it.

"Its having no effect on you is it?" Remus asked her genuinely surprised.

"Nope. He's wasting his time" she replied. The werewolf shook his head slightly amazed. There was exactly one other person who could ignore the potter heir with that expression and that was Lily.

"I always call out to her! Even from twice the distance" James whined for the ninth time.

"Which is exactly why she still doesn't fancy you" Hermione replied.

"But she wont even notice me other wise" he said petulantly.

"You mean to say that a girl like her would possibly notice an arrogant extravagant idiot who embarrasses her in front of the whole school over a calm collected and mature guy that lets her know nicely that he fancies her?" she asked raising a single eyebrow.

"Calm collected and mature you say?" James asked his hands in his hair as he messed it up again.

She scowled and muttered "Merlin knows its bad enough on its own"

"But Hermione that sounds like Remus!" James protested as he chose to ignore her comment.

"Yes, I suppose it does" she said with a smile before adding "take a leaf out of his book"

"But, but – that's just -" James struggled to say.

"Didn't you say Remus is the only one of you that she can actually talk to?" she asked him patiently.

"Yes but-" James began.

"Then I rest my case" she replied and turned back to her food, leaving one marauder flushed, another stewing and the third in deep thought.

"Okay then how do you explain girls fawning over Sirius and not Remus?" James asked finally coming up with a valid argument. Remus looked uncomfortable and Sirius looked at her curiously wondering what she would have to say about it.

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