Chapter 32: The gift

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Christmas was upon them and never before had the Potter manor looked so spectacular.

Charlus and Dorea could only sit back and marvel at how the house looked, starting from the gate where there were now two snow made lions wearing Gryffindor scarves, all the way inside where the decorations hung from every inch of the roof.

Lines of stars flashed red and gold, mistletoes hung proudly at every door and pretty bells tinkled when someone passed it. Needless to say though, the huge tree in the middle of the living room had been worked on the most. Right from the Golden star on top to all the presents that lay around it, the number of times that they had been set and removed and set again was something all of them had lost count of.

Lily and Hermione had gone all the way to end the year on a high note, while they didn't decorate some forgotten corner of the house, they tried cooking various dishes for the actual festive dinner and the boys were hard put to choose between the plates of food before them.

But what Dorea Potter loved the most about the festive season that year was the happiness that radiated from all the bright young faces. Be it the time when Lily was pressed against the wall by James and the dinner had burnt itself Black, when Sirius had picked Hermione up and swung her around, knocking over piles of decoration, when the four had ended up laughing and cuddling on the floor, all the unfinished wrappings abandoned by their side or when they had childishly decided to play tag in the backyard, Laughter was the one sound that echoed through the house.

The girls had worked day in and day out the entire day, making a feast that rivaled the one at Hogwarts. When the boys couldn't eat anymore and the girls wouldn't all of them rather unwillingly removed themselves from the table and moved back into the living room, curling up by the fire where Charlus Potter brought out the wine and toasted to his now complete family.

By their fourth glass of wine, Hermione and Lily had declared that Christmas wasn't complete without some carols and before anyone knew it, the music was blaring through the house. Both girls had jumped out of their seats and began a live performance, pretending to sing along on a little stage before starting to spin around with their hands locked.

Sirius watched Hermione shut her eyes tight, spinning faster while James had his eyes on Lily who was shrieking with laughter. They loved seeing the girls acting like children, all dignity forgotten, their skirts flying and their hair whipping around. The boys were laughing hard, their eyes shining with unrestrained love and happiness.

The world began to spin with them, and Lily fell into James's arms while Sirius caught a laughing Hermione. Not really wanting to stay seated and not wanting to leave the warm protective embraces, the girls stood up again, despite the spinning room and tugged at the boys to join them instead. Soon both the couples were seen twirling around the room, dancing to their hearts content.

The dancing was followed by all four of them collapsing into the couches again. Within minutes, exhaustion took over and both girls were fast asleep with soft smiles tugging at their lips.

Hermione was lying on Sirius, her head resting on his chest, the exhilarated drumming of his heart being the last sound she heard before drifting off, his hand held tightly against her even in sleep.

Lily was on James's lap, curled up close to him, his hand too caught in hers as she nuzzled into his stomach. Her lush red hair spread around them, while she slept peacefully.

"She's beautiful" James whispered quietly, his hands gently stroking the red head.

"Hmmm indeed" Sirius agreed, talking about the girl in his own arms.

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