Chapter 85: Winds of Change

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he fireplace flashed green and a tall woman came to a spinning halt. Hermione firmly willed herself to remain calm.

This woman deserved the benefit of doubt, she might be Malfoy's mother but both she and the ferret had switched sides. Hermione chanted in her head and when that didn't work, she tried a different mantra.

Sirius believes her. He wouldn't let her enter their safe house if he wasn't absolutely sure about her. Sirius really believes in her.

With a sigh, she glanced in the direction of the woman who had just entered. This was the first time she was seeing Narcissa Malfoy in this time period and the woman was... frankly stunning.

Tall, slim and graceful even in stillness, a young Narcissa was simply ravishing to look at. Her blonde hair was neatly arranged to perfection and though her nose was still up in the air, there was no bitter mask of hatred.

But what really held Hermione's gaze was the pair of silver grey eyes looking right at her. It seemed Narcissa had inherited the proper Black family eyes and the determined glint that came with it.

"Lady Black" She greeted in a soft voice.

Hermione could feel the surprise flicker across her face. It was the first time she was being addressed that way and somehow, it was still Walburga that she imagined at the mention of the title. Sirius's fingers pressed hers.

"Lady Malfoy" Hermione replied quietly.

Sirius chuckled at the exchange and while the both women turned to glare at him, Regulus stepped forward.

"Cissa...Hermione, Danielle....Ladies, Narcissa" He introduced softly. The two blonde women nodded at each other but Narcissa's eyes were quick to return to Hermione.

Stepping forward, she handed her a small package, wrapped in a very striking shade of purple but what really caught the brunette's attention was the smaller bit of parchment that was placed on top of it.

Her eyes went round at the sight of the small, highly recognizable slip. It was one half of the paper in which Sirius and Hermione had asked McGonagall to write their address on twice and then disguise her handwriting.

One half had been given to Regulus and Danielle by her and the other was given by Sirius to the woman who had just returned it.

Making no attempt to conceal her surprise, Hermione looked at the taller woman questioningly.

"I didn't think you trusted me but I want to be very clear about something. You aren't my favorite person Hermione, I am not sure how much forgiveness I can extend to a person who killed my sister" Narcissa said, speaking very slowly and very clearly.

She paused for a moment when Hermione winced at the last word before continuing more softly.

"But you are a Black now and regardless of whether I wish to or not, protecting you is my obligation. I will not be the one to sell you out."

Hermione seemed stunned. She hadn't expected the direct statement but Sirius's smile seemed to tell her that he had something to do with the other woman's sudden frankness but she was grateful all the same.

"Thank you Narcissa. And there is no point in saying this now, but I really did not wish to kill Bellatrix." Hermione answered.

Narcissa accepted that with a nod before taking the seat Sirius offered her in their new home.

Wasting no time, the blonde woman immediately got to the point. And the next twenty minutes passed with the five of them futilely discussing the horcrux.

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