Chapter 29: A stop on the way

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A sleepy Sirius made his way into the kitchen to find James hogging all the delicious looking pancakes. He eyed the food and then his best mate and then sunk into the seat and put his head on the table ready to sleep again.

"Get up you lazy lump!" James said in a sing song voice making Sirius groan.

"What is the time?" he asked sleepily

"Master Sirius has his eggs!" twinkle the house elf declared appearing next to him.

"Thanks Twinkle" he mumbled but made no move to get up.

"Seven." James said happily.

"SEVEN? YOU WOKE ME UP AT SEVEN?!" Sirius asked raising his head enough to glare at the boy across him.

"Mione woke up at five!" he said making Sirius groan again at the memory of her slipping away so early and leaving him alone in the cold bed "and I didn't even sleep!"

"I would ask you why but that would mean listening to you first thing in the morning so no" Sirius said as he tried to make himself more comfortable on the table.

"Well, I'll tell you anyway. I was writing a note to Evans!" he said happily. Sirius's head shot up.

"You are a dead man" he said giving his friend a disbelieving look.

"Mione asked me to and I'm actually going up to get her to approve it. So come on" James said, finishing his breakfast and standing up.

Sirius sighed but decided to follow anyway as he grabbed his plate of food and together they made their way up the stairs.


They entered the room to see Hermione sitting on the floor, a huge pile of things scattered around her. There were lines of little vials with various potions, stacks of books, piles of clothes and an old wireless among others.

"I'll be with you in a minute" she said as she directed them to sit on the bed, away from the cluttered mess.

With a quick wave of her wand she put all the potions and books to one corner to be sorted later before turning to the clothes, most of which were Harry's and Ron's. She gathered them up and put them along with most of the other things into the bottom shelf of her wardrobe.

Finally she walked back to where they sat and Sirius's eyes followed her as she leaned across them and pulled out her ratty old shirt from the bed. She took it to the wardrobe, kneeling there for a minute with it clutched close before she sighed and put it away and spelled the wardrobe to lock itself.

"That's everything I think" she said distracted as she stood staring at the cupboard for a moment.

The boys waited in silence before she finally took a deep breath and turned around with a bright smile. James grinned in understanding while Sirius lounged lazily on the bed, the plate placed on his tummy.

"I'm sorry you had to get up so early love, but do you mind finishing your breakfast while I read this once for James?" she asked sweetly as she kissed his cheek and then moved to take the roll of parchment from the bespectacled boy.

If Sirius was surprised he hid it well as he sat up and took to the inviting food while Hermione read through the two and a half feet long post script James had added to her letter.

Once done, she smiled brightly and flung herself at him, proud of the complete sincerity in his words.

"Go send it to her right now! And then get some sleep! We'll wake you when we get back" Hermione said happily.

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