Chapter 86: Pressing Charges

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3rd January 1981

Sirius saw the photos put in neat stacks before him but they didn't hold his attention for too long and his eyes kept straying back to the clock every few minutes.

It was Sunday and if all had been right, they would have returned to work first thing tomorrow. But the gloom that had settled over him had nothing to do with the looming horrors of returning to office after a good stretch of holidays.

No, it was the fact that today everyone would really realize what was happening. Sirius could predict every word that would be said as the truth sunk in and those thoughts were putting him on the edge.

Hermione was also equally nervous though she seemed better at hiding it than him and Regulus was awfully quiet, like he tended to be when he feared the worst.

Danielle was the only one with any sense of normalcy. She had decided that since they were all going to spend quite a while in Godric's hollow, it was only right that they made their houses feel more like home.

Hermione had protested of course, saying it was a waste of time but the blonde woman had pointed out that with a child on the way, there was little room for options.

When none of them seemed to be winning an argument against her, they let themselves be ordered around arranging and rearranging the house. The task seemed distracting enough and Sirius and Regulus were quite stunned to notice the true extent of packing the two women had done.

The purpose of the distraction however proved useless when Sirius had been handed a stack of photos and asked to choose the ones that were to be hung on the wall.

He had gone through all of it, the Marauders hanging in all odd directions in their dorm, him and Marlene on a random date, Sirius and James after their first Quidditch victory, him and Regulus on the latter's sixth birthday, the group photo taken on the Potter's wedding night, a drunk Sirius dancing on a table in a pub he no longer recognized, Remus sitting with a wolf mask with Padfoot and Prongs on either side, him dancing with Hermione on the eve of their graduation, the list was endless.

With a sigh he glanced up at the clock again.


It hadn't moved a single minute yet. The clock seemed to be pointing to the exact same number for the past five minutes. It was working, James knew that of course but it was still in the same god damned place.

He was going mad. That constant nagging feeling in his gut seemed to become stronger each passing second. He was missing something. It was staring him in the face and he was missing it.

"Stop glowering at it Prongs" a soft voice sounded from behind him and James spun around relieved.

"Moony! You are up" James cried out happily before sauntering over and slinging a hand around his neck "Starve the wolf, feed the human. You hungry mate?" he asked.

Remus rolled his eyes but his stomach rumbled loudly enough in answer. Laughing, James poked his ribs and dragged him into the kitchen.

"Remus dear, how are you feeling?" Dorea asked softly even as she hurried to find him a plate. "Oh and James, give this to Lily would you?" she asked.

Nodding, James took the pile of Harry's washed clothes and exited the kitchen, stopping just outside to listen.

"No word from Mione and Sirius?" Remus asked as soon as James had gone. He had expected them home before he even woke up.

"None. It's driving James frantic" Dorea replied, stopping on her tracks with a frown.

"I noticed...He seems...he's so sure that something is wrong" Remus asked carefully.

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