Chapter 22: Wolfsbane

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Hermione sat with her friends, eating her breakfast and discussing the miseries of homework when she saw the owls fly in with their mails. She saw James grab for his copy of the prophet and she excused herself and moved to where the marauders sat.

She gave Remus a sweet smile, telling him that Lily wanted a word before slipping in between the two dark haired boys. James put the prophet in front of her. The front page screamed 'DEATH EATERS BREAK INTO APOTHECARY' and Hermione began to feel giddy.

"I don't believe we made front page" James laughed quietly from her left.

"I told you with all the dark ingredients we took, we owned it" she replied laughing.

"But still this is front page and no one even looks our way" Sirius laughed.

"No reason they should" she said with a happy smile.

They were due to start the potion only tomorrow, as they waited for all the soreness to fade out and the week to become busy again so they could slip out unnoticed.


A week had passed and the potion was progressing perfectly without any complications or mishaps. Hermione had stuck a sheet with all the steps against a board and the three of them found no trouble alternating to sneak out and check the potion.

Sometimes she would drag Remus to the library allowing the two boys to slip away unnoticed, sometimes James would pretend to be sulking and walk away alone or Sirius would want a random snog and excuse himself. Hermione mostly found herself in the room of requirements while claiming to be in the library.

Today however all three of them had decided to meet up. Sirius was already there, measuring out the animal blood needed when Hermione entered. She caught him sitting on the floor, his legs crossed and his face set in determination and complete focus.

Her eyes lingered on his face and she watched with a wistful expression as the boy continued to concentrate on his potion. She couldn't get over the clashing time periods in her head. Sirius had been the one to teach her to brew this in her time and here she was re-teaching him what he had thought her.

But things were changing, the Sirius Black she knew now and then were starting to become two different people inside her mind and sometimes when she felt all of it starting to overwhelm her all she wanted to do was confess to him.

She remembered one of the conversations she and Ginny had had with Remus and Sirius. They were teasing Ginny about her feelings for Harry when the conversation had drifted back to James and lily and from there to Remus and tonks and finally to Sirius.

"what about you? Who did you date?" Ginny had asked the escaped prisoner.

"date? No one" he had replied with one of those rare smiles.

"Oh! Come on Sirius! We've seen how much like a Greek god you looked, so out with it!" The red head had demanded before flushing a bright shade of red.

"Greek god huh?" Sirius asked playfully before all of them laughed, making Ginny blush brighter.

"Hermione thinks so too you know!" the girl had said throwing her to the sharks and making her blush nearly as red.

"Thank you ladies, but I never did date anyone" Sirius had replied with an innocent expression.

"But if you ever wish to find out the names of the girls he slept with, snogged or had just a fling with, please feel free to check out the Hogwarts register and know that any girl that studied around the same time as us had a Sirius story" Remus had told them smirking.

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