Chapter 24: First truth

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"I'll join you all later" Hermione was heard saying to her roommates as she leaned into Sirius.

"It's the first day!" Dorcas said in mock horror.

"Oh hush you, I just want a little time with him" she replied swatting at her friend's arm.

"Ignore her Mione, take your time" Alice said with a sweet smile.

"Though I'll lock you out if you take more than an hour" Marlene added with a wink.

"Oh give her some space!" Lily admonished before she and Alice dragged the girls away.

"Uh I guess we'll stay down here and give you a little privacy" Remus told them warmly.

Hermione exchanged a quick glance and knowing that Sirius would want his friends to know the truth she sighed "its okay Remus, why don't we all just go up?" she asked.

The marauder seemed surprised but a thrilled James was already tugging at Sirius and so all four of them made their way up.


Upon reaching the dorm, Hermione just stood numbly while watching James and Remus fall into their beds. She noticed that Sirius was standing a little behind her, still looking slightly apologetic.

"You needn't have done that Mione" he told her softly.

She looked at him with desperation. She knew she wanted him but she didn't want to want him. How could she? Her fiancé had just died a month ago and she was already in love. It sounded wrong even to her.

But Sirius, Oh Merlin! Sirius was just everything she could have asked for. The way he made her feel every time he looked at her was enough to make her believe that they belonged together. Of course they belonged together but she didn't know what to do.

Her lower lip began to quiver, images of Ron rushed through her mind. She remembered them standing on an empty third floor corridor, both of them were messy and hurt but seeing Remus and tonks dead had awakened something in him and even in all the chaos of war he had cornered her.

"Mione! You are turning green" James said worried.

"We can tell everyone the truth tomorrow love, its okay" Sirius said trying to make her feel better.

Her eyes met his and she felt the traitor tears begin to fall. Within seconds she flung herself into Remus's arms. The werewolf looked surprised but held her tight as she began to cry.

She saw Sirius and James come over and sit on either side and she cried harder as Sirius explained that they weren't really together. Oh dear god, what was she doing?

"I'm such a horrible person" she told them through her tears.

"Mione we all know you love Sirius so it's okay, he'll really wait till you are ready" Remus told her gently.

"Yeah relax Mione, lily has been saying no to me for years and she doesn't cry her eyes out over it" James consoled.

"Lily isn't engaged" Hermione wailed.

The three boys froze. None of them knew what to say and the two marauders looked worriedly between Hermione and Sirius. She was crying harder now and Sirius looked like he had been petrified.

Hermione too turned to see how sirius was taking it and she reached out with a shaking hand to touch his face "I just didn't know how to tell you" she whispered.

Sirius didn't know what to think or say, he tried to smile but he was sure he hadn't managed it. She was engaged, she had a fiancé...but it didn't stop him from loving her. Honestly he should have expected it; someone like her couldn't have been single...

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