Chapter 60: Tell me everything

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Hermione sat in front of a frozen Sirius for the next fifteen minutes and yet it felt like hours. And slowly the sobs built up. She knew he was never going to be able to look at her the same way and she was afraid of any possible changes that could be inflicted on her one constant in this world.

Sirius who was still trying to wrap his head around the concept snapped his head up when he heard a quiet sob from Hermione. Instantly, he pulled her close again and wrapped his arms around her, gently kissing her head.

"Mione...doll please don't cry" He soothed, her tears kick starting his numbed brain again.

"I didn't want things to change between us...that's why I was so afraid to tell you" She sobbed

"Love nothing has changed and it's really okay, you can tell me now" Sirius reassured softly.

"I still don't know where to start" Hermione admitted, even as she took deep calming breaths and buried herself in his chest.

"Start with us" Sirius answered easily; when she hesitated he asked "You knew me?"

"Yes" she answered, not really ready to look at him.

"And we weren't...?" He asked in a slightly strangled voice.

"There were other things on your mind..." Hermione told him almost sadly.

"Mione I need to know" Sirius pleaded and Hermione decided to give up and let him know.

"You wont like what you see but I can show you" She replied sadly. He hesitated for a brief moment before nodding.

Within ten minutes, Hermione had collected every memory of her and Sirius and the couple were now standing in front of the pensive. She gave him one last kiss, before the pair plunged into the basin.

Sirius and Hermione arrived in an empty street that he instantly recognized from their first date. They were just a turn away from the Muggle Park and the ice cream shop. He looked up and down the deserted lane before he finally spotted a distant figure.

A lone man was walking up a drive way and the graying hair and slumped shoulders made him look much older than his thirty three years. With a jolt he realized that it was Remus and the two quickly followed the werewolf to the porch where he had just knocked.

Within seconds the door was flung open by a much younger Hermione who smiled widely in greeting.

"Professor Lupin!" She exclaimed in greeting and Sirius's eyes widened in surprise.

"DADA" Hermione whispered into his ear and he gaped. So the werewolf professor she had mentioned had been Moony. Weird.

"You can call me Remus now Hermione" Remus answered with a warm smile.

"Umm right Remus...come in" She said a bit awkwardly as she stepped aside to let him in.

"Actually we are running on a tight schedule and if you are ready...?" Remus asked almost apologetically.

"Ofcourse, I'll be just a minute" The younger Hermione answered and two minutes later, he had her trunk shrunk and pocketed and was holding out his hand to her.

"Side along apparition?" She asked even as she took the offered hand. He nodded a bit and instantly the scene changed.




"I am sorry that wasn't very pleasant" Remus was saying but Sirius wasn't listening. He stared at the scene in disbelief. This had been the last place he had expected to arrive and while he struggled to get over the shock, a very confused teenage Hermione was reading off a piece of parchment.

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