Chapter 5: Red and Gold

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Minerva McGonagall waited impatiently for her class of seventh years to file out. When the last boy walked out she called after him "shut the door after yourself Mr. Pettigrew". Once the request had been heeded she turned her attention to the three students waiting by her desk.

"Mr. Black!" she admonished at the dark haired youth who was currently trying to peep into the papers on her desk. He grinned cheekily before rolling back on the balls of his feet.

"Professor, I assure you that whatever it is, we really didn't do it" a very confused and slightly nervous Remus Lupin told her sincerely.

"Are you trying to tell me that the three of you did not decide to pay Miss. Granger a visit in the warded off area of the infirmary?" she asked, her mouth as usual set into a very thin line. The three boys seemed too surprised to say a word.

"Ten points from Gryffindor." She said and when James potter opened his mouth to protest she continued "for each of you!"

"But professor we didn't mean to bother her! We were just concerned." Sirius argued. She glared at him before sighing.

"Hermione has to continue to stay at the hospital wing for another week and was wondering if the three of you would perhaps be interested in visiting her." McGonagall said, her lips fighting a twitch at the sight of the three dumbstruck boys in front of her.

The marauders couldn't believe what they were hearing. Remus was flying inside, they didn't have to sneak out tonight after all, James was thrilled that she had asked for them and Sirius...Sirius was just glad he could see her again.

All three of them grinned widely at the head of their house who gave them one of her very rare smiles.

"We'll go right see her right away!" James declared happily

"There are however certain rules" McGonagall said firmly "and the consequences of breaking any of them will be extremely severe" the strict glare she fixed on each of them was warning enough. The three boys waited with bated breath.

"You will visit only during the two hours of supposed detention you have with me." She said and three heads wobbled in agreement.

"Your visits will remain a secret from everyone including your friends" she said, giving them a pointed look. "and if anyone outside this rooms comes to know, your visits will be stopped instantly" again the three heads nodded in agreement and though they would hate to keep secrets from peter, visiting Hermione was too crucial for them to risk it.

McGonagall's face softened "I want all three of you to behave and I suggest that you do not ask her any personal questions about her past. I trust you to keep her entertained and feeling safe here as she adjusts to her new surroundings." The woman said, fixing each boy with a knowing look.

"Of course professor" three voices chorused, returning her look with sincere gazes of their own.

"Madam Pomfrey will be expecting you in an hour" she said as she stood up and collected her books.

As the tall woman swept out of the class the three boys stood there grinning as though they were thirteen and it was their first chance to visit Hogsmedge. McGonagall too smiled a secretly.

When Hermione had first told her that the three boys had been to visit, she had been furious but the girl had assured her that she had known them in her own time and that it would be a comfort for her to have them visit.

She had been rather surprised then but right now she was satisfied; the three boys would indeed be the best available option to brighten up anyone's life.

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