At the beginning

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Inya did not know for how many hours she ran into the forest. She had looked for help but no one came to her rescue. Her feet ached from running. She was afraid for her life. But she was even more afraid for her baby still in her womb. She knew, there was not much time before she gives birth. But first she had to find a safe place to give birth to this precious gift from heaven for her. This baby had survived death and wanted to see the day. She was sure she could still feel him move in her womb. She heard the barking of dogs and the screams of his assailants. They should not be far from her. She had to run faster or find a hiding place. Never in her life she thought would end up in this situation. She had a beautiful family and a bright future ahead of her. One day a handsome young man introduced himself to her and seduced her. She was so crazy in love. He had spoken of his house which was far from her home but yet filled with love. She had seen him marry and lead her home. She had never had big dreams. She was happy to see her husband and children in a house where they had some servants to assist in the work. Yet she had grown up without facing the real world. Her parents said she was too valuable to risk losing her. So she had spent her childhood in the castle of his father. In this castle she had her personal apartments where only his family and his personal servants could access. But some nights, she fled the castle to get to the stream in Talian's forest. She felt herself well amidst the vegetation. She also needs to see and touch the vegetation. This is a critical need for any fairy, and Inya was among them. Yet she was not any fairy. She was the daughter of the king of Talian, the city of fairies. But that does not made ​​her special. Inya had received the gift of four elements: air, water, fire and earth. At Talian, usually every fairy is born with the family's power to which it belongs. His father was from the family of fire and his mother to that of water. Inya should have been born with the sign of fire or water. But ancestors had decided otherwise. She had received a gift given every hundred years to a family member. Thus, she became the queen of the four families of Talian. It's not that this displeased her, her father took care of harder job while she was playing in her garden. But she wanted to live a normal life like any child of her age. She received much love from her family and her people, however, she often needs a change of scenery and see her stream. But that night, she met a wounded man, half naked and about to die. Inya ran to him and tried to help. "You can not do anything for me girl. Let me die. I will ask you one thing that's giving me a grave when I die. " Inya could not let the man die so she put her hands on his chest and called upon the power of the ancestors, that of healing the wounded and sick. She did not think it worked because the man did not move in her arms. Then she began to cry, and every drop of her tears moistened the body of the unknown. She did not know when the man awoke from the dead. She felt right arm to take her by the waist and her head drop on the torso of the unknown. She remained in this position for hours. .............................................................................................................................................................................. Since that first meeting, Inya often sneak out of the castle in the evening to meet her handsome stranger. He told her his name was Hanxu, and he came from a different realm of those other fairies. Inya had never heard of the existence of other different creatures. Yet Hanxu belonged to the werewolves community. He even turned one day before her, and she admired his beautiful black coat. For her, he was beautiful in human and in animal. And she had given him the gift of being able to turn without feeling pain. Her happiness was complete with this man and she felt she could follow him anywhere on earth. But her family was not agree with that situation. When they found out that she was in love with a wolf, they locked her in her room for days. There was no way she joins another creature. Alone, she accounted for all the fairies community. Inya was unhappy with this situation and thought only to flee her home. She succeeded one evening with the help of one of her servants. She joined her lover to their place of appointment by the stream, and together they fled Talian to get to Whonzbou. Her happiness was perfect............................................................................................................................................................................. At Whonzbou, Inya had to accept people's hatred. She was different from them. They had swarthy skin as she had white skin. They lived like animals while she had been taught to live with refinement. Nothing about her was good enough to satisfy the people in the community of Whonzbou. She found the whole situation difficult for her, but the hardest was to hear from the mouth of her new husband that he did not love her. He had won for her power. Now that she was no longer in fairies, Talian became easy prey for other communities. He had also told her that he needed her power to accede to the throne of Whonzbou and become immortal. Inya wanted to flee and scream her frustration. But where would she have gone? She is too far from her home and she does not know the way back. Moreover, she is still too in love with her ​​husband to exit. So she accepted everything from him: the humiliations, sacrifices, incantations. Hanxu had lied to her about his true nature. He was not just a werewolf. He was born devil and was the son of one of the most powerful and evil royal lineage. Inya discovered it too late when she allowed his devil side during a cast to gain control over the body of Hanxu. Since that day she had been through hell. Whonzbou residents, surrounding communities and she were not anymore safe. Hanxu wanted to become the king of all communities. ............................................................................................................................................................. One morning Inya discovered she was pregnant. Her dream had finally come true. She was to be a mother. This happiness alone was enough to erase all her sufferings. Hanxu also took more care of her. He wanted a son to reign with him in the world of no-human and human. Life became easier for Inya until the day when an evil elf had made ​​a prediction. The child she was carrying was intended to stop the reign of Hanxu. He would be the only one to beat him and bring peace to the no-human community. Hanxu did not like this news, and he had tried to abort Inya. One night while she was sleeping in her room, she felt hands holding her arms and other hands touching her belly. Inya screamed but no one answered her call. "You think you can get help. No one will help you as you carry this child. He must be killed " She began to panic. A sharp object was inserted into her stomach and Inya felt excruciating pain. She cried even harder. They would open her belly to remove the baby. She had to do something to save her child. She had not practiced magic for years but she was still the queen of the fairies. "Prohibere motus" she yelled. Everything froze around her. She freed herself quickly and started to run. She lost a lot of blood but she had to leave this house and run away as far as possible. ........................................................................................................... Inya had no strength and the army of Hanxu was not away from her. She had to cover. She clung to a tree. "Invisibilia" she said. The army passed beside her without seeing her. She took a sigh of relief. She had managed to protect her child for a few minutes. "Um ... is that it's my turn now? ". Inya looked up to see a man sitting on one of the branches of the tree. He had red eyes and large canines. A VAMPIRE ? Since when her husband had vampires in his army? He had to follow the scent of her blood and was thus able to know where she was. "I am Inya queen of Talian and Whonzbou. Submits yourself if you do not want to die with my hands. " The vampire laughed. "Sorry to disappoint you, but here in the forest, you are nothing as fresh meat." Inya became frightened. She felt the attack of vampire but was slow to react. He planted his fangs into her neck and began to drink her blood. Inya felt increasingly weak, but she could not die. Not before giving birth to her child. Then she also bit his neck. She needed the blood of the vampire to gain strength and to heal. Her technique started working because she felt much better. But the vampire didn't like it and he plunged his claws into the chest of Inya. The pain made ​​her drop his neck. She writhed in pain. However, she had to react quickly otherwise she will be dead, and her baby too. She put her hand on the body of the vampire and shouted "Incendia". The vampire began to catch fire. She took the opportunity to get up and run away from him. She still lost more blood and her legs could not carry her anymore. "Please my baby. Please protect my baby, "she screamed. She did not know where to go or how to get help. Her tears prevented her to see her way. That's when she saw a tree in front of her open. She did not hesitate before going inside. "I am Eiffi, the queen of the elves of the forest. I heard your call and I answer. " "Eiffi, please my child. It is essential for him to live. It was predicted that he would be the only one to beat the Lord of Whonzbou. Djebal, put it in the world and protect it. My family is in Talian, they will take care of him. " Eiffi bent over the body of Inya and touched her stomach. "This child is strong and is still alive. What name will you give him? ". "Hakyeon". ............................................................................................................................................................. Leo listened Eiffi tell her meeting with Inya and was in shock. So that was the story Ae Cha did not tell them. However, he did not understand what Eiffi meant by that. "I do not see the link between the Lord of Whonzbou and attacks against Hakyeon" he said. "Young man, the lord of Whonzbou is the father of Hakyeon and it is the same person who sent the wendigos and Hydra to kill him." Leo felt bad. For nothing in the world would he have let Hakyeon hear this revelation. HIS FATHER WANTED TO KILL HIM? He turned to him and took him in his arms. He put his hands on his friend's ear and asked the question he wanted to ask since he join Rovixland. "Why pick on him? Why is he so important? ". "You do not understand. Hakyeon is the only descendant of the Talian and Whonzbou royalty. He has in him the full power of his parents. He is therefore fairy, wolf and demon. He also has vampire blood running through his veins. None of us have ever seen such a mixture, so we do not know what he really is. It may be capable of the best or the worst. " Leo looked at Hyuk. He came to understand why Kyu, Hyuk's demon had submitted to Hakyeon.

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