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It​'s cold, very cold, and dark, very dark. The only thing Hakyeon manages to distinghish what are the trees in front of him. He must be still in the forest. But where's Ken ? « Ken where are you ? I'm scared and i'm cold ». Only silence answered him. He was wrong. He didn't know how long he had to walk in the forest. He wants to go home, away of this all. Away of the oppressive feeling that something bad would happen to him. How long could he hold out like that ? It feels so weak. Then he heard the noise. Footsteps, rutsling foliage. Something approaching. Hakyeon do not intend to find out. he ran with all his might straight, anywhere provided to be far, far away. He felt the tears running down his cheeks, and trees whipping his face and body. He could no longer breathe properly. the thing approached too quickly and he was out of breath. He didn't fast under the front feet nosed and fall with all his weight. It was bad, very bad. Hakyeon felt his heart beat faster crushing his chest. He was in trouble and he was going to be killed. He can no longer escape. Then he saw something black out of the shadows. An animal with big legs. A HUGE BLACK WOLF with large canines threatened. « No it can not be already the time of my death» phink Hakyeon. « I need to disappears ». The animal after a few grunts, jump upon him « Nonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn » shout hakyeon and close his eyes. But he felts nothing coming, just a few words whisper in a low voice « who are you ? ». He slowly opened his eyes and met the same pairs of eyes. HIS DARK AND COLD EYES.

Hakyeon rose from his bed sweaty. « Bodji ? i doesn't understand ». YES he was relieved that it was a dream, but WHY ?. why did he do such a weird dream ?. This is not happen to him since his childhood. And usually it does weird dream only when he is stress out or upset. Yet this is the first time he had a dream like this. Also real. also troubling. He had to talk to ken. He needs to know what happened in the forest.​

« Cha Hakyeon back here » Hakyeon runs down the stairs, slipped through the door of his house and headed for his old car. He has no time to listen to his mom and even less luxury to still be late for school. Today, it's him the gossipboy. He have something to tell at his friend. He parked quickly in the school parking and run to the cafeteria. All these heads he know couldn't distract him from his goal. His high school isn't as big as he could see on TV or documentary but he had the necessary and the comfort expect in small city like Rovixland. He rushed into the cafeteria and looked for his friend.

Ken was as usual at their favorite table and held in one hand an egg sandwich and the other was trying to turn a pages of a gossip magazine. He did feel the presence of his friend just like when he saw brown hair rub on his chest and arms encircles his waist. « Appo appo» cried Hakyeon. « what, where are you hurt ? who dare to hurt you ? » shout Ken and putted down his sandwich. He putt his hands on the forehead of his friend to take his temperature. Then he tried to shake him to make him speak. Hakyeon still not relaxed his grip and tighten even more his inseperable. « ARE YOU FINALLY TELL ME WHAT'S HAPPEN CHA HAKYEON ? » Ken shouted to the brink of panic attack. Hakyeon looked up and said to his friend in the most miserable way « i think i'm going crazy ». Ken staring in his eyes and then looked away to keep reading his magazine. « YAHHHH » complained Hakyeon. « That's your reaction as my friend ? you need to console me ». Ken merely replied, taking another bite of his sandwich « yes you are crazy and what ? it's long time ago that i'm aware of your craziness. And for your information, if your cheeky side had been a problem, we wouldn't be friend since long time.» He finished his sentence with a nod. Hakyeon looked at him with open mouth. Ken must be kidding. HOW THE MOST CRAZIEST AND FOOLISH PERSON HE KNOW DARE TO TALK ABOUT HIS MADNESS ?. I will answer him a well salted sentence think hakyeon. But when he began to speak, shouts were heard. « It's them, they are here ». « Waw they are so beautiful » « waw look at their cars » « I want them ».

I NEED TO TRUST MY INSTINCT ( English version )Where stories live. Discover now