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"Do You still want a part of pizza N? "Hakyeon nodded his head toward Ken. He and his new comrades had decided to afford a pizza and soft drinks in a restaurant on a Friday night. In recent days, Hakyeon was stuck all days with his new friends. They take all the time an excuse to do exercises, walks or games with him after school. He could no longer have a moment alone. Hyuk who was however not close to him, often came to offer him to play games and often Hakyeon lost and need to receive a slap on his arm. The story always ended with an angry N pursuing Hyuk in the corridors of the High School "yaaaa you dare hit your hyung, ilouwa, comes here I'll kick your ass." The next day he even agreed to play. It was not like Hakyeon love to get beaten up, no, it was just that he saw Hyuk's pleasure , and also that he was getting used to this young man who could pass for his little brother. It was the same with Hongbin with whom he often pretended to fight. Hongbin used to add his own comments on the remarks of Hakyeon to make him react. Hakyeon knew it was more a gesture of friendship by malice. So he pretended to be angry and fight with him. Most often they ended up laughing to their nonsense. For Ravi, Hakyeon was amazed at how much they looked alike. In his presence, he really felt comfortable and was able to discuss serious things with him without fear. It reminded him of his best Ken who also never stay away from him. Finally Leo ... .Leo the man who now insists the escort him in home after school. He did not understand why? But Leo do that now every day since he had invited him to his home. He does not even remember what happened that night. He remembered just be upon him, by the way it made ​​him blush every time he thought about it. Moreover, it still could not identify the man. He had in him something pleasant and scary at once. But Hakyeon acknowledged that since that evening, he now felt less threatened by his presence. They also discussed much more than before. Of course, Leo continued to anticipate the desires of Hakyeon without a requests. He was sure now that Leo would have a capacity to feel or interpret people's thoughts. Hakyeon would ask him one day when he would feel ready to confront him. For now, he was content to try to learn more about these new people. He looked at Leo and smiled. "Why do you come with us to the restaurant if you do not eat? ". Leo gave him just a nod and even sank into his chair. It had become a habit. When Leo want not to answer, he does not speak and just looks at you. Hakyeon never know what to think before a silent Leo. Is he should get mad or ignore him ? No, he often chose to insist or force him but so far it never worked. So he decided to focus on others and saw them make a KAYE BAYE BO to choose the one that will have the chance to eat the last piece of pizza. That's when Hakyeon felt a huge headache. What was happening? He bit his lip under the influence of pain. He looked up and met those of Leo. The latter took his hands with worry. "are you ok Hakyeon? ". He shook his head. As usual Leo was still feeling his discomfort......................................................................................... Leo see Hakyeon frown and bring his hand to his head. Something was going on with him. He heard him screaming in pain in his head. He took his hands to support him. The true nature of Hakyeon had yet react to something he thougth. He then looked around and seen four men who had just arrived in the restaurant. One thing he had learned from the revelations of Ae Cha is that Hakyeon just as him, was able to feel the presence of a supernatural being. This revelation allowed him to understand why Hakyeon seemed much hate him in their first meetings. A part of him had recognized the supernatural in Leo and had then been wary of him. Leo thought that the same thing had happened in the restaurant. Hakyeon is reacting to the presence of these newcomers without really being aware. He too could feel that these men were different. They seemed not to be part of the people of Rovixland. Leo straightened. It was absolutely a necessity to bring Hakyeon away from the men. He did not want to face again the true nature of Hakyeon, especially as he did not know if he could stop it. Moreover, he did not think that these men have come to this restaurant by chance. "Let's go," he told the others. He grabbed the hand of N and go out with him. The rest of the group followed him............................................................................... The six were crammed into Ravi's car to return home. A deathly silence reigned in the car. Everyone understood the situation but did not dare speak for fear of being heard by Hakyeon. The latter was asleep on the shoulder of Leo after his sudden headache at the restaurant. The tension was palpable in the car. It was absolutely necessary to bring Hakyeon home. Ravi tried to drive as fast as he could on this winding road. They were in the middle of the road and close to the forest when suddenly something made ​​divert their car. Ravi maneuvered to avoid the worst and managed to stop the car at the time it was going to sink into a tree. He quickly checked that everyone was safe and proceeded to start the car. But the engine would not run. Each turn of the key was just purring and stop. It was at this time that the passengers in the car saw four huge forms exit from the woods. FOUR GIANTS WITH RED EYES. They were skin and bones, long claws and sharp canines. "Wendigo" Ken shouted in terror before covering his mouth................................................................................... Leo make Hakyeon asleep quickly with his power of persuasion. It was not necessary that N sees this. They promised to Ae Cha. He then turned to Ken. "Wendigo? Explain yourself ". Ken continued to watch the five wendigos coming towards them. "They ... they are ruthless. In ... .in the books, they say they eat the flesh of their victims and are never satisfied. "" How do we do to beat them? "" They are not immortal but they are hard to beat. OH MY GOD we'll never get out of here alive, "said Ken panicking. Ravi took his hands, "No, we will not die here, not tonight. And not that we will be able to beat us, but we need more informations about how to beat them Ken. " Ken tried to remember what he had read about them "they are quick and cunning. They are close to the werewolf and their bite can kill you for sure. So do not get bitten. They feed on their victims because it makes them stronger. They also have an ice heart. I do not know if it's true but some books say you have to burn their heart to defeat them. " Leo and his family hear about Ken's informations and then rushed out of the car "Ken holds up to Hakyeon, we must keep them away from him by fighting before they get to the car. "Ken nodded his head and changed places to stay next to the body of his friend who is still asleep. He did not know how the evening would unfold and was really scared for their lives. ........................................................................................... For minutes that Leo and his family fought to distract wendigos. They had only succeeded in hurting themselves. These beings were too fast and theirs claws are too long and sharp. Leo had mutated to give himself more strength. He was the only wolf in his family, but he felt he was no match for them. One with which he fought was twice his size, though Leo was a great wolf Alfa considering his side. He felt the claws striker opening his shoulder. He began to lose blood, but he could not afford to lose the fight. He had to fight for his family, for Hakyeon. Also Ravi with his side struggling ferociously. It was not necessary that he slow down the pace. His assailant was fast but him too. So far he had managed to dodge his blows. He would take the opportunity to tear out his heart. Ravi plunged in his enemy and led his hand quickly to his sensitive area, but the hand of that being closed over his and his other hand came grind his stomach. He screamed foul of pain. Meanwhile, Kyu, the demon of Hyuk had just woken up. Hongbin was in danger. One of the Wendigo had to squeeze his throat and was about to bite him in the neck. Anger Hyuk seeing the situation take not longer time to let out Kyu who jumped in the next second on the wendigo and tear out his heart. Falling backwards, the Wendigo loosened his hand and let Hongbin slip through Kyu's arm. Meanwhile, shouts were heard from the side of the car. The Wendigo who was abandoned by Hyuk had snatched up the car and was about to go after Ken and Hakyeon. Leo got to his feet and started running. He did not know if he would arrive in time. Suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his back. The Wendigo with whom he had fought plant his claws in his back. His wolf let out a howl of pain. Leo felt lost and he would also lose Hakyeon one minute to the next. That's when he heard other screams of Wolves answering his call. Huge white wolf with blue eyes came out of the woods and they were ready to attack.

I NEED TO TRUST MY INSTINCT ( English version )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora