The kiss

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Hakyeon felt good, really good. He felt a pressure on his lips and the touch of something soft and sweet. Was it a dream? He often doesn't had dreams giving him much pleasure. Yes, lately it was rather full nights of nightmares. Finally, a bit of relaxation for him. So he allowed himself to lay down and opened his mouth to answer that kiss. Then he felt something warm to slip between his teeth. His tongue had just met a colleague. It explored every corner of his mouth. Hakyeon who is experiencing pleasure, was now out of breath. He felt hands slip under his shirt and caress his skin. He felt the touch and offered himself more to the experts fingers who were exploring every inch of his skin. He did not want that feeling to stop. He finally felt so good. He felt a weight to lie on his body. Whatever it may be, Hakyeon did not care. He was ecstatic. He cocked his head to one side and offered his neck. The answer came soon. He felt soft kiss deposit on his neck. He loved those kisses but he wanted more. He did not know why but the chaste kisses were no longer enough for him. He wanted to feel those fingers all over his body. He wanted to see his skin soak up this presence. He wanted the kisses cut into his skin and every touch is more deeply rooted in him. Yes he wanted to be bitten in his neck and every inch of his skin. He even offered his neck stretched and waiting for an even stronger sensation. He felt something sharp to land on his neck. He gave a groan of pleasure in anticipation of what was going to happen. It is currently he was rudely awakened from his dream by the slamming of a door. "Stop it right now. And you young man I want to see you at the show now and I will not repeat myself. " Hakyeon suddenly awakened, saw the silhouette of his mother sneaking out of his bedroom. she was to be angry because he rarely saw her screaming. But why was she angry? He then looked up and saw a Leo still lost, get up out of his bed quickly. What he was doing in his bed? Hakyeon then remembered the content of his dream. NOOOOOOOOO IT COULD NOT BE. He did not DO THAT WITH HIM. Not him. He rose hastily from his bed and began to throw his pillows toward Leo's face. "How dare you? Dirty pervert out of my room immediately. " ......................................................................................................... Leo did not understand anything. A few minutes before, he had managed to bring Hakyeon unharmed after a battle that had nearly loosen their life. He was so happy that nothing arrived, he could not stop to contemplate Hakyeon still asleep in his bed. He did not know how this could happen. He just remembered that he had looked at his lips for a long time and he was surprised to want to taste it. Just a kiss he said. Just one. But he had lost control when his lips had touched his. They were so hot and tempting that he had put more pressure on their contacts. He regretted it all away because the response was overwhelmingly positive. An invitation was made ​​to explore it. So he did it. He kissed him with all his being. And he liked that feeling, he felt even fun. He was no longer master of himself. He needed to touch his skin, see him thrilling in his arms. He slid his hands under his shirt and began to caress his skin. His Contact was burning and welcoming. The body above him reacted to his touch and still offered more to him. He heard his moans. He could also read his mind he wanted more, much more. He then stretched his whole body on him. He also needed to feel it more. To hear him shout his name and see the pleasure he gave him. He saw that he offered him his neck. Then he placed there a few kisses. But he could feel his desire to have more. He himself thought only one thing. Make one with this being and claim him with all his soul. He was not able to stop and Hakyeon's call only increased his desire to bite him. He then turned his fangs on his neck. He would claim him as his own. In his trance, he did not hear the door open. He did return to himself just when he hears Ae Cha's scream. OMG, WHAT DID I DO ? He dared not look at them and quickly retreated toward the wall. That's when the tornado Hakyeon throwed pillows in his face. He was furious and he was right. He should never have to go that far but at the same time, he had loved every moment of their kiss. WHAT ? AM I FINALLY ATTRACTED BY MEN? he asked himself. But first he had to apologize to Hakyeon he thought. "I do not want your apology Jung Taekwoon, I just want you clear my room, get out of here," yelled Hakyeon. Leo could not leave the room and let Hakyeon so angry. It was essential that he help him to calm down. Maybe I can force him to calm down by taking his arm, thought Leo. "If you dare to touch me again, I swear I'll kill you Jung Teakwoon, GET OUT" shouted again Hakyeon. Leo know now that the only way to help his friend to calm down would be to leave his room. He then quickly slipped out and closed the door. He leaned behind the door and gave a sigh. He was safe, actually not really because Ae Cha was waiting him in the lounge. ................................................................................................... Ravi was happy to see Ken safe. He did not know since when, he began to focus on this man. He just knew he loved to play with him. But recent events had shown him that in fact it was more attached to him than he thought. He had been scared every second for him during the battle. And now he dared not break off from him for fear that something is happening. He had escorted him home, and have installed him in his bed. It was the first time he entered the home of Ken, but Ravi had no desire to explore the place. All his attention was focused on Ken. He lay down next to him in his bed and took him in his arms. "You worked hard today. You had to be so scared but you still helped us. I am proud of you. ". Ken put his head on Ravi's shoulder. He was so exhausted. He had never been so scared in his life. In fact, in the last day his life became a hell between Ravi's true identity, that of Leo, the secret he had to hide from his best friend and his feeling of not being strong enough to help his friends. "Ravi, I need to rest. You stay here? Huh, you will not abandon me during my sleep "Ravi shook his head. "Then swear to me" said Ken. Ravi swore and then Ken fell asleep on his shoulder. Ravi watched him sleep. He looked like an angel in his sleep. He stroked his hair. "I promise you my angel to protect you." He was not sure of the end. Besides, he was not sure about anything with what danger they were facing. He knew that they had won a battle, but he was also sure that others will come. And he did not know if they would come out alive in again. However, it would do everything in its power to protect him. He had sworn. ............................................................................................................ "I think you're beginning to better control yourself" said Hongbin. "How dare you say that, Kyu almost kill an innocent today" "Hyuk, Kyu did not hurt me. This is normal he attacked today. He thought Suho and his clan were going to attack us. " Hyuk replied with a sulky face. He felt too bad to still letting Kyu getting out every time. "You do not understand Hyuk, it's the FIRST TIME that Kyu did not fight for fun. He fought to protect his family. Do you understand now? He finally beginning to accept us and he want to protect us. He even stopped fighting when Leo threatened to exclude him from our family. " Hyuk looked at him with big eyes full of hope "is that true? ". "Yes, I think you begin to control this dark part of yours." Hyuk gave him a big smile. It was a big compliment from Hongbin. The latter smiled back and helped him to get up. "Go ahead, we have to take care of the guests." They returned together to see Suho's pack. The mansion was to be filled with guests in the coming days. ................................................................................................................................. Leo was not listening to the word of Ae Cha. He already felt guilty and did not know how to rebuild himself and face Hakyeon in the coming days. He had left him in the room so angry. He did not think he would be forgiven for so early. He had long noticed that Hakyeon with his pig's character, could make war for days. And in this situation, he could not blame him because it was him, Leo who make this weird situation. He would have to lay low for a few days. He also understood the anger of Hakyeon's mother. Without her intervention, he would claims and mark Hakyeon as his. He did not know what would have happened next. He was relieved and sad at the same time. That's when he remembered something. "Ae Cha" "You think you still have the right to speak young man after what you almost do." "Ae Cha it's really important, I think he heard me." "you little cheeky and ... .." Ae Cha stopped short. "What do you mean, he heard you." "Earlier in the room, I said nothing but your son answered my thoughts. I think he was able to read my mind. " Ae Cha sat down on one of the chair in the living room. She stayed a few minutes to think about the situation. "I do not know myself how far his true nature is. Now his other side is awake so it is possible that he is able to read minds. " "But I observed him since my arrival and he had never had that talent." "What you need to understand is that his true nature was hidden and repressed in him for years. Now that she woke up, she will unfold gradually until it reaches its full capacity. Unless HIM successful in removing him. But that will should never happen. " Leo nodded his head but could not help responding. "If he is now able to read our thoughts, we can not hide anything from him and he will eventually discover the truth." Ae Cha looked at him with compassion and sadness. She was not ready to face this situation, but the time was now close. They would have to explain things in a world that was so unfamiliar to Hakyeon. He might take them for fools or worse he can flee Rovixland. However, these options were small compared to the great fear of Ae Cha. And if Hakyeon finally decided to go face HIM? In its current condition, he would certainly will be killed, and that Ae Cha was not yet ready to accept it. We had to delay this confrontation as much as possible.

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