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Hakyeon is dying to see them but his honor forbade him to as they saw these girls in the cafeteria climb on the chairs to better see the newcomers. Yes, Rovixland is a small town near the major cities and they haven't receive news faces for a long time. There, day are repetitives without real twists. So Hakyeon has to be playfull and curious. However he will not do the shimpanzee's thing to start climbing on the chairs. « Wow they are so beautiful » « Waw look at their cars » « I want them » « No bitch, the one with blue hair is for me » Girls and boys were scrambling to get a better view of the show. Hakyeon began to sulk even Ken was paying more attention to the show. Yet he has so much to say to him and to understand the situation last night at the forest. « Ken..... Ken i have a question for you » « Later i doesn't have the time now ». Hakyeon rolles his eyes. But what they all have to drool over these new people. In fact, if he were to be honest with himself, he would have acknowledged want to see them too. But he have this FEAR. His dream is still fresh in his mind. He didn't releave yet this feeling of weakness. He looked at his watch, just a few minutes before the start of classes. Perhaps with a little luck, he tought he could sneak into his classroom before the new guy entered. He rose hastily from his chair, ignoring the fact that Ken is becoming a fanboy too, and turned to the door. To his surprise, it opened and four great men slim and slender come in. Hakyeon has no choice but to watch them.

the first of them sported a huge smile. His face was just perfect. And dimples, his adorable dimples. Hakyeon wondered if the description of an angel could not apply to him. He was wearing a jean and a shirt just like the other man to whom he gave a hug. He had blue hair. YES BLUE. what was usually weird seemed to be his natural color. It made him even more beautiful. He gave no regard to the people around him and remained immersed in his speech with the man with adorable dimples. Hakyeon watched them pass and his gaze lingered in the last two men. The first seemed greater than the others. he sported blong hair just like Ken, and kept his hands in his pockets. He didn't seem at all impressed by people gazes. He followed his friends quietly and occasionnaly threw a sidelong glance to read the descriptions on the walls of the cafeteria. One of the descriptions had to get his attention because he stopped, smiled and went on his way. The last was dress in an all black clothes. Hakyeon doesn't hate that. He like himself the black color and wear it a lot of time. NO it's just that looking at this man gave him the creeps. The silhouette was familiar, so familiar. His sense of déjà vu was becoming stronger. He felt it deep in him. It was the same man at the forest. THE MAN THAT HE HAS TO AVOID AT ANY PRICE. « You have to run hakyeon » he think. That's when the man turned his head and his eyes darted right in his. Hakyeon felt paralyzed. That same look, one he can't forget even closing his eyes. « No, i must not panic, i have lot of people around me, nothing can happen to me here.» he say. « But why do i feel that it won't change anything, no no ...... i have to get out of here ». Hakyeon struggled with all his strenght in his head to break the eye contact but his body reacted differently. He felt move towards the unknows. He can no more restricted himself. He has to approach him, to touch him, speak to him.He was like in a trance. «BIPPPPPPPPPP » Hakyeon jumped. Ken pulled him by the arm « it's time, run or not we gonna be late, and you know sir Lee he is the crazyest and sadist teacher i know ». The spell was broken. Hakyeon looked around. Nobody. Would he's still in a dream ?

I NEED TO TRUST MY INSTINCT ( English version )Where stories live. Discover now