Hydra: The hunt

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Hakyeon could no longer run. He did not understand why he had to. Never in his life in Rovixland he had faced a real threat. He knew his city as calm as possible. Nothing special was happening in Rovixland. But today he felt he had to ensure that this tunnel if he wanted to see his mother one day. HIS MOTHER. Oh, how he missed her at the moment. He did not think that she will be a great help but it would have comforted him to have her beside him. Of course Leo was all an effort to help him out of this tunnel, but it was not the same. They kept going in circles. In fact, this is what was think Hakyeon because every place is like the same. His arm made ​​him less harm than a few minutes earlier. He continued to run very fast but lost balance. He was exhausted. These tunnels led nowhere. He saw Leo leaned on him. " Are you OK? You want me to carry you? ". Hakyeon shook his head, Leo had to be as exhausted as he. He clutched his arm to his feet. "We need to find out the exit Leo." He get up and began to run but still lost his balance. This time, Leo lifted him in his arms without asking his opinion. Hakyeon felt embarrassed and humiliated to be a burden for Leo. But gradually as they race, his discomfort gave way to a different feeling. He felt Leo muscles contract at his every move. He felt his heart beating at full speed and the warmth of his body wrapped his. He could not help blushing and thanked heaven that Leo can not see the state of his face in this position. His body began to burn him, that's when he began to hear words. A phrase that kept saying "I have to help him out of here " Does He began to go crazy? He heard the voice of Leo but it could well see that he had not opened his mouth. Is this place would do hallucination ? Is it a dream? He pinched his skin and shout a cry of pain. NO it was well in reality. " What is going on ? "Asked Leo. "No no, do not worry, just get out of here," he said. .......................................................................................................... Leo knew that Hakyeon still had just read his mind. He was so focused on his desire to flee the place he had not paid attention to his thoughts. He had seen Hakyeon ask whether it had gone mad and pinch his skin. He also accepted his answer and had just made ​​a nod. He did not have much time to focus on his friend. He felt that this thing was coming more and more. Just a few minutes he could hear the sound of his travels through the tunnels, it enabled him to change direction before getting caught. But after a few minutes he heard nothing more. No friction on the walls. He no longer perceived the clicking of their shoes in the water. This frightened Leo because it was not a good omen. He continued to run anyway. He had to find out the exit before it catches them. He left one of the tunnels to enter another and stopped short. Something stood before them. Something immense equipped with a long tail with scales, long legs and a long neck ending with a snake head faced them. He did not know what this thing was, he had never seen it. He heard the cry of Hakyeon that came to cling to his neck and hiding his head between his arms. Leo was lost. IT HAD PROMISED. His promise to Ae Cha was to keep Hakyeon safe and alive if possible, and to never reveal the truth about him and their world. But how was he going to do? Hakyeon had seen the monster and Leo did not think he will forget it. He could not make him sleep, NOT in this situation. That would put them both in danger and it was too late to change things. He stepped back but he was trapped. This thing would attack them if he tried to flee. He had no choice but to fight. "Hakyeon I will try to save us time, but you will need to run far from over here." Hakyeon quickly got out of his arms. But instead of running away, he stood on his two legs and faced the monster. Leo could feel the strength of his heart beating. Hakyeon was afraid. "But what are you doing, get out of here fast, we did not need to be two to face it," says Leo. "So you did go in because there is no way I'm leaving you here alone." "Hakyeon you're not strong enough to face it." "But you too Leo. And do not underestimate me, I'm pretty fast when I want. So does going into I can hold this thing long enough for you to get out of here. " Leo did not know what to say. Never nobody except his family, had risked his life to protect him. He saw that Hakyeon could barely stand. He would be killed in less than a minute. He would sacrifice himself because he did not know his secret. He took Hakyeon's arm and turned it over to him. "Leo what you're doing ? you need to quickly fled and Leo ...... why are you crying? ". Leo felt it was the end. Even if they managed to survive this situation, Hakyeon would hate him forever after seeing what it really was. But he had no choice, he had to turn to fight. But if he were to lose him forever, Leo wanted to do one last thing. He pinned Hakyeon to the wall and kissed him passionately........................................................................................................ Hakyeon felt a deep sadness from Leo. Why is he crying? Was it he so important to him? He did not react when Leo's lips were on his. He remembered the sweet taste of his lips but this time they were salty and humid. Was it a farewell kiss? No he did not want to lose him. And if they had to fight they would fight side by side until the end he told himself. He put his hands on Leo's cheeks and began to raise his head. The look he met had nothing to do with the dark eyes of his friend. NO it was strange eyes which recalled those of an animal. He quickly untied to Leo and fell down trying to back off. He could now see everything in detail. The long claws of his old friend and his big fangs coming out of his mouth. He saw him face this thing with a big neck. Hakyeon shook his head several times. NO WAY. He must definitely be in a dream........................................................................................... Leo did not want to come to this situation but he had to fight and he needed all his strength to fight this monster. He dodged a first attempt to bite and threw himself on the monster. The skin of the latter was too slippery for him to get hooked. He might move faster, the monster was able to reach it without much movement because of his long neck. He slid under the belly of the animal to give Klitschko cuts but only succeeded rub his claws on the wall of his skin. Hyo Lin gave a brief cry but continued trying to bite him. Leo knew that he should absolutely not be bitten and wondered for a moment if his wolf venom would have the same toxic effect on the monster. He abandoned the idea very quickly. This thing was nice to have smooth and shiny skin. With the least dangerous contact, scales covered his skin to counteract the shock. Hyo Lin threw him in the ceiling of the tunnel and after he fell to the ground. He absolutely had to found the weak point of this monster and take Hakyeon out before it is hurt. "What are you still doing here ? N get out of here now" But Hakyeon still in shock, sat on the ground and looked at him with big eyes. Leo had to act fast. He got up quickly and ran again to the animal. He noticed that he had his eyes closed. This thing would it be blind? he asked himself. This could be an advantage for him. But in this case, he had to surprise him from behind he thought. He threw a claw blow to the face of the monster, but instead of letting him counter his move, he took the opportunity to slip under his belly and achieve its tail. Hyo Lin hits him with her tail but instead of hurting him, the blow brougnt him closer to her neck. It was his only chance. He quickly dug his claws at the base of the neck of the monster. FINALLY. He was quick enough to prevent that the animal had time to protect himself by covering his tortoiseshell neck. Hyo Lin screamed in pain. Leo moved his hand and with a cross motion, he managed to cut off his head. The animal fell full length on the ground. Leo breathed a sigh of relief. He had finally managed to beat the monster. However, they still had to leave the tunnel quickly. He did not know what other monster could still be sent to them. He rushed to Hakyeon but had to slow down when he saw him going back and stick to the wall. He was afraid of him. Of What he really was. Leo knew that he was a monster but also see it in the eyes of Hakyeon made ​​him much harm. He slowly approached him. "Hakyeon we must get out of here." " Who are you ? What did you do to Leo? ". "Hakyeon, it's always me Leo, I swear I will explain everything to you later but for now we must find out the exit" Hakyeon shook his head. For him there was no way he continues his way with this THING. He looked at his hand Leo tender and he looked that hand without really react. Then they heard a noise behind them. When they returned, they saw that the monster had to get up and instead of having the only head that Leo had just cut him, he had now five new heads even longer. Hakyeon does not think twice and took the hand of Leo. Leo finally made ​​him less afraid that the monster in front of him. They resumed their way and entered another tunnel. Hyo Lin launched in pursuit............................................................................................ In his house, Ken had waited for hours Ravi's call and can not calm his nerves. He had so prayed that nothing happens to his best friend. But he had dozed. What he saw in a dream made ​​him wake up with fear. BOGJI? Why had he had a dream about Leo and Hakyeon ensnared in a tunnel? He was not sure of the reason for his dream. Did he had dreamed of this situation because he was worried about his friends, or did he had a premonition? Anyway, he told himself, he had to respond and prevent Ravi because in his dream he had seen a Hydra. And this thing could kill just by the look. And above all people must NEVER cut off his head, because other heads grow in its place. He quickly grabbed his bag and ran to his car. He absolutely need to prevent Ravi about what he had just seen.

I NEED TO TRUST MY INSTINCT ( English version )Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat