Exodus wolf

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Kai had received Ravi's message. He had no further explanation of the situation from the fact that his friend needed help. They met one day in a coincidence situation. Back then his wolf was caught by a hostile population. He had dragged too far from his pack. He was so young and inexperienced. This led him to a trap. He did not think to get out that night but he receive the help of a stranger. A stranger with blood red eyes and who was quick as lightning. He had confessed after that is name was Ravi and he save him in memory of a friend who was also a wolf. Since that day they often meet and support each other in difficult times. Ravi had even asked for his help, and Kai was glad to support him. Even more happy because his pack had agreed to follow him. He did not have to beg them too long. Suho the alfa pack said he had a debt toward Leo. And now they are on their way to meet Leo and his family. It is arriving at the edge of the forest that they heard a shrill scream. The roar could only belong to Leo. They were sure Leo and his family were in danger. They could now hear the sound of a battle raging a few meters from them. But this was enough for Suho to gave the order to attack. They left all changing. The characteristics of Exodus clan is the white fur of his wolves and their blue eyes. They covered the distance quickly and Suho gave a yell in response to Leo's scream. Whole pack followed. This was the war howl of Exodus's clan and they often gave chilling to their opponents with their howls. The message is clear. They were ready to attack............................................................................... Kai quickly saw the situation. Ravi was in pain. His stomach was half ripped off by a skeletal giant who seemed to enjoy seeing him suffer. Hyuk and Hongbin lay next to another giant who fell to the ground. And Leo had claws planted in his back. Kai noticed that despite the pain, he still tried to get up and pointed his finger at a specific location. He then turned his head to see a giant bent over a car from which came the cries. He did not take the time to think again before flowing toward the car. He was followed by Xiumin and Chanyeol. The three wolves came upon the giant and gave him shots fangs. Kai bit his neck. Xiumin and Chanyeol were in both of his arms. Kai knew that they need to soon defeat him because otherwise they could be in danger. This giant had seemed strong and have too long claws.................................................................................................... Meanwhile Suho had seen the delicate position of Leo and Ravi. He sent his wolves to help. Lay, Baekhyun and Chen fell on the Ravi aggressor. They knew that his height was an advantage for him. Then they tried to drop it by biting his legs. This allowed to distract the giant of its main prey and Ravi took the opportunity to finally tear out his heart. On the other side, accompanied by DO and Sehun, Suho helped Leo. Suho made use of the back of Leo to throw himself towards the giant's head. The latter who is still having his claws planted in Leo's back does not have time to defend himself that Suho and the other did drop him to the ground. Leo quickly broke free and ran toward the car. It was essential that he sees if Hakyeon was fine. He jumped on the car and entered through the open roof slot. Ken became frightened and began to give him kicks. "Ken stops, it's only me Leo, how's Hakyeon? ". Ken finally dared open his eyes to look at him. OUF he said, holding his chest. " Never do that again Leo. You scared me. Hakyeon hopefully is ok. I watch over him. Just make sure that these creatures are no longer able to come near the car. ". Leo nodded his head and came out of the car. He saw that Suho and his clan came to defeat the giants. He was grateful. The clan of Exodus had arrived in time to save their lives. He looked to Hakyeon still asleep in the car and smiled. It is at this time that Ravi shouted his name "LEO". He turned and saw Hyuk had tighten the throat of a wolf that had to be Sehun by his smell. He also saw that Suho was about to attack Hyuk and shot him threatening grunts. Kyu was still out of control. He had to stop this situation before Hyuk gets killed and that the agreement between Exodus and his family ends. He ran with all his might towards Hyuk. "Kyu I order you to stop." "They are in our territory Leo, you have to destroy them before they do us harm." "You are mistaken Kyu, they came to help us, then you're going to treat them as members of your family." "My family does not have a white wolf." "Kyu you'll behave respectfully otherwise I deny you of this family." Kyu stopped short. He looked at Leo and saw that he has a very serious face. Then he gets up from Sehun and backed off by complaining "I only wanted to protect you but it's always me who goes for the wicked." Leo understood his confusion when he tried to find a comforting answer for Kyu, he heard the howl of another wolf. Kai had just had a leg broken by a giant. Besides, watching it again, Leo realized that all the giants had risen and were currently encircling them. The battle was not over. ............................................................................................................... Ravi had not time to heal and his morale was low. He had fought so hard to capture the heart of the giant and thought even die if it was only with the help of Suho and his clan. He did not think still have the strength to keep fighting. He felt weak and would need to eat to heal faster. He resumed still fighting position. He had to defend his family and most of all Ken was vulnerable in the car. In the car, Ken was in panic. The wendigos were not dead and they were going to attack his friends. Ken knew that Leo and his family had no strength to fight and newcomers were not tip the balance on their side. He needed to help. He did not know how but he should not remain inactive if they would all die. He reproached himself for not being as good as Ae Cha. She at least know what to do in this kind of situation. That's when he remembered that none of the hearts of wendigos had been burned. He quickly ascended the roof of the car and shouted to Leo "Leo I know what to do but I need a source of fire and their hearts." Leo looked quickly around them. They had ripped their hearts but he had no source of fire. "Use Chanyeol" said Suho. Leo did not understand. Why Chanyeol? "As you know each of us comes with a gift by becoming wolf, Chanyeol has the gift of fire." Leo nodded his head and motioned the other to quickly pick up the wendigos's heart before they attack. "Ken channels the power of Chanyeol" Leo yelled. Ken was not long in coming. He began to focus on the designated wolf. Chanyeol began to ache. Pain was spreading throughout his body. He lay down and let Ken continue his work. Soon, Ken yelled "Incendia" and the hearts began to burn. The wendigos twisted in pain and began to catch fire as well as their hearts. Within minutes, there were no more traces of their presence. Leo then rushed to Hakyeon and Ravi did the same for Ken. Suho looked at them in amazement. For years he knew them, he had never seen Leo also emotional. He turned to his clan. He had to make sure that everyone was well. Chanyeol and Sehun seemed to have recovered, while Kai suffered from his broken leg. He needed care. Sung Sung was afraid. He did not know if the reaction of his master at the news will be fatal or not to him. But he had to tell him the truth. He worshiped all his small size. "My lord, the wendigos were defeated." His master gave a yell of frustration and threw all the objects available. Sung Sung quickly hid under a table. He absolutely did not want to die on a jump mood of his master. The latter quickly calmed himself " it looks like this little runt is tougher than I thought. Send him hydra. She will make short work of him. ".

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