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« shit » Hakyeon leaves his current bed a few minutes before the start of classes. how could he sleep so much ? why no one awake him ? he mooves quickly into the bathroom, splashes water on his face. where his toothbrush ? No time, a gum will do the job. he holds quickly his bag and run to the door. he does not hear the cry of his mother « Cha Hakyeon come bach here ». He has no time to talk or turn around. Fortunately his high school are not far. with his old car, he will be in school in five minutes. Hakyeon have no time to look at the landscape of which he is so familiar. ​he lives in this city, this village, since birth. Here everyone know each other, everyone cares about his neigboor. Oh he would like to go far away like his father and his old brother. Talking about this side of his life has been always difficult for him. he did not phink for a second to leave his mother alone. But he always be attract by the big cities, the lights. Hakyeon would like to be famous and to go on stage, to hear people screming his name and show what he is capable of. But since his childhood, his audience his constitued by the people of his city. he know them and do not feel too attracted by those people who are always making fun on his swarthy skin. Yes i does not look like his mother, father and old brother, and WHAT? But does not make him an adopted child. How dare they ? one has always need to look beyond his appearance. His best friend Ken. He still remerbers the first time they meet. Hakyeon was then 4 years. he was with other childrens of his age, and he was in tears. He did not understand their question « why do not we look like ?» « is your mother ate lot of chocolate ?» « why do you not often shower ? your skin will be whiter ». He was mad and in pain. Suddenly he felt he presence beside him. Someone had to sit next to him and whispired in his ears « you look like a giant caramel, i love caramel, i have wanted to be lucky like you to be all the time a giant caramel. But i guess staying with you, i could enjoy it too. Do you want to be my firend ? » Hackyeon is in shock. He looks up and beholds a boy with blond hair and a big smile. Oh, that smile, he thinks he would remember it all his life. « My name is Jaehwan and you ? » Hakyeon could not help but just smile back « Hakyeon ». And then began a frienship that made a people of Rovixland call them «The inseparable twins ».

Hakyeon pushes the door of his classroom and lets out a huge breath. He was able to arrive on time. « Will you stay all day at the door Mr Cha or go to sit down ?» He turns his eyes to plants it those on his teacher and quiclky bends down to greet him. By going to his place he meets the gaze of his friend Ken. The latter crosses his arms and made a poke face at him. He must be mad but Hakyeon don't care, he is so happy to see him.

I NEED TO TRUST MY INSTINCT ( English version )Where stories live. Discover now