Chapter Fourty-Five: I'm Done

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With Lucas & His Mom:

"Wow," Lucas's mom said after he told her everything. "I'm so sorry, honey."

"It's not your fault," Lucas said. He was still mad and upset. "It's mine."

"No it isn't," she said.

"Yeah it is," Lucas replied. "I trusted her. I shouldn't have."

"You can't blame yourself for trusting someone you're in love with," she said.

"WAS in love with, mom," Lucas said. "Was."

"Sure, honey," she said, not believing that.

"I'm gonna head inside," Lucas said.

"Are you sure?" His mom asked. "She's in the room."

"I have to pack my bags."

"For what?" She asked.

"I figured we'd go back home..." Lucas said. "Am I wrong?"

"If you want to go home, we'll go home," she smiled. "I'll pack your bags for you. You stay in here."

"Are you sure?" Lucas asked.

"Yeah" she smiled before she got out of the car.

She went up to the room and saw Maya packing.

"Come here," Miss Friar said while she say down on the bed. She patted the spot next to her.

"Yeah?" Maya asked when she walked over to her.

"Tell me what happened," she said.

"Didn't Lucas already tell you?" Maya asked.

"He did," She replied. "But I want to hear your side."

"Alright," Maya replied. Maya started to tell her everything. By the end Maya was crying more then she already was.

"I'm so sorry," Miss Friar said.

"Th-thanks," Maya stuttered.

"I'm just glad you didn't cheat on him," she said.

"I would never," Maya replied. "But now that you know I didn't, can you tell Lucas?"

"No," she replied.

"What?" Maya asked, confused. "Why not?"

"Because I believe that people should work out their own relationship," miss Friar replied.

Maya was confused. Shouldn't she want to help her sons relationship?

"And I'm gonna talk to Andrews parents and tell him what he did to you," she said.

Maya got up and continued to pack.

"Miss Friar?" Maya asked.

"Call me Amy," she smiled.

"Okay" Maya replied. "Amy?"

"Yeah?" she asked.

"Thanks," Maya smiled.

"No problem," Amy replied.

Amy started to pack hers and Lucas' bags. When she finished, they brought their bags to the car and then checked out of the hotel. Maya got in the back seat and put in some headphones. She listened to music. The Same thing Lucas was doing.

How am I gonna explain all this to mom? Maya thought.


Hey guys! How'd you like the chapter?

Anyway, I once again need advice. Remember when I told you guys about my crush and how I wasn't so sure if he liked me? Well, we've gotten to be better friends over the last like week. And after church like almost every week all the younger people go back to our friends house or do something. So this week we watched a movie. And I sat down and literally every other seat was open and he chose to sit next to me and was leaning on me a lot here and there and at one point he put his feet on me. We were also sharing a blanket btw. But the thing that confused me most today is that he kept resting his hand on my thigh. And he occasionally kept moving his hand around on my thigh. And at one point he started to like go into my inner thigh lol. ANYWAY, I don't know if I'm reading too much into this or something, but I'm just wondering if any of you know what this means? Does he like me or no? Please give me some opinions and advice Ik this may be weird but I just need to know. I mean I don't think I'm allowed to have a boyfriend anyway, but I'd just like to know. You get me?

Anyway, please answer it means a lot to me.

OH, and today he noticed what I was wearing because I changed. And Ik people usually say that means something, like when Lucas notices what Maya's wearing lol. So just let me know.

I'd like 2-5 comment and 2-5 votes please!!!

BYEEE unicorns! 🦄


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