Chapter Twenty-Eight: New Years

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Three Days Later: New Years Eve:

It was New Years Eve and and Riley was having a big party tonight. She was inviting all her friends from school and of course, Farkle, Zay, Smackle, Maya and Lucas.

She also invite Josh because he walked in when she was planning it. He didn't say whether he was coming or not. She was kind of hoping he wasn't though. Of course she wanted him there, but he knew how hard of a time Maya was having. If Maya wasn't having a hard time, she would've invited him before he walked on her planning it.

At about 8:00 people started to show up. Maya was already here since the beginning of the day.

A little while later Lucas and Zay showed up.

Riley answered the door and they said hi to her. Riley and Zay went to sit on the couch and Lucas went over to Maya at the bay window in the living room.

"Hey, Maya" Lucas smiled when he sat down next to her.

"Hey" Maya smiled. She was happy to see him. She think she finally figured out her feelings and who she wants to be with. They sat there in silence just enjoying each others company. Lucas placed his hand on Maya's hand that was on her lap.

Maya smiled and looked at Lucas. He looked back at her and smiled.

"You guys wanna play a game?" Riley asked them.

"Sure!" Lucas replied. They got up and went over to the couch to join everyone.

"What're we playing?" Maya asked.

"Life" Riley replied.

"Seems fit" Farkle said.

They were gonna be on teams so everyone could play. Zay and Riley. Farkle and Smackle and Maya and Lucas. And then whoever else wanted to play would join.

"Okay, we'll got first" Riley said. Everyone just did a small laugh and left it alone.

Everyone chose to go to college.

"Should we start out with a boy or girl?" Lucas asked Maya.

"Boy" Maya replied. Lucas put a blue piece in their white car and everyone did the same with their pieces. "We're married, Ranger Rick"

"Yeah. Possibly someday for real" Lucas winked. Maya blushed a little and continued to play the game.

After the game ended, Lucas and Maya ended up winning.

"Okay guys its almost midnight let's go up to the roof" Riley said.

Everyone followed her up to the roof. Lucas and Maya walked over to the edge of the roof and just looked at everything.

"Lucas, have I ever said anything nice to you?" Maya asked him.

"Maybe a few things" Lucas replied.

"Well, it's one minute 'till midnight, and I'm glad you're standing here" Maya said.

"Wow. That beats everything else you've ever said to me" Lucas smiled. Maya smiled big.

Everyone started to count down

"10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1! HAPPY NEW YEAR!" And everyone started to make noise with whatever they had in their hands.

"It's still midnight" Lucas said.

"So?" Maya asked. Lucas passionately kissed Maya.

"You just got a New Years kiss" Lucas smiled. Maya smiled back and kissed him again.

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