Chapter Forty-One: Packing and Leaving

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Please read authors note at the end:

Maya asked her mom yesterday if she could go to Great Adventure with Lucas for the summer. Her mom surprisingly said yes. So Maya would be packing for the whole summer. They'd be getting a hotel. It would be a lot of money so Mrs. Friar said they'd only get one room.

Maya was packing all her clothes except her stuff for cold weather, of course.

She grabbed her suitcases and started putting all her clothes in them. They'd be leaving tomorrow.

Lucas and his mom were also packing all his clothes. His mom had to hurry because she had to do some stuff for the trip.

The Next Day:

The next day Maya said bye to her mom. She was leaving in just a few minutes.

"Okay. Be good. Give Mrs. Friar an easy time. Be nice to her. Don't get into trouble. Don't do anything," Katy said. Maya knew what she was talking about in that last one.

"Gosh, mom. Of course not. I'm only fourteen," Maya said with disgust.

"Just making it clear," Katy replied. "Have fun. Enjoy your time. Be safe. Don't get sick. Don't do anything stupid," Katy finished.

"No promises" Maya halfway joked. Katy laughed. Maya got a text and saw it was from Lucas.

Huckleberry: we're here :)

Clutterbucket: ok. Can you help me get my bags?

Huckleberry: sure. B right in

Clutterbucket: thanks :p

Lucas came up about a minute later. Maya said bye to her mom and they grabbed her bags.

They brought them out to the car. They put them in the trunk and then got In The car.

They got in the middle row so they could sit together.

Mrs. Friar turned on the radio and Drag Me Down by One Direction came on. Neither Lucas or Maya liked One direction that much. But they both agreed that this song was actually good and catchy. Maya took a few selfies alone. And then a lot with Lucas. She shut her phone and laid her head on Lucas's shoulder.

She drew in her sketch book while Lucas was on his phone.

"Who you talking to, Lucas?" Mrs. Friar asked him.

"Farkle," Lucas replied simply.

"Ooh, what'd he say?" Maya asked.

"They're getting on the plane now," Lucas said.

"Why'd he tell you that?" Maya asked, confused.

"Why wouldn't he?" Lucas said.

"Touché," Maya replied.


Hey guys!

What's up?

Well, I updated after a little while.

I got to go to six flags the other day for fright fest for the first time! Six flags is always fun, but I didn't find fright fest very scary or anything. It was a little lame. Fun, but still a little lame. I missed the parade so I guess that's partly why.

Anyway, so you guys think I should give you life updates like I just did above ^^ or no? I just do it because. If you guys don't find it interesting I'll stop.

I also asked for some advice last chapter, and I got ZERO comments and no advice at all and it made me sad. So like can you guys PLEASE go back to the last chapter and just give me some advice? Please? I really need some. I put all of that out there for you guys and no one said anything.

I don't want to come across mean or anything, but I will not be updating until I get at least 3 comments on this chapter. I would also like 2-5 comments.

I hope you guys understand :/


Byeeee unicorns!!! 🦄


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