Chapter Fifty-Five: Free Art Class

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Two Days Later:

It was Monday at school and Maya had just played a prank on Lucas. She set something up in his locker that when he opened it, it would shoot glue and feathers out. Very cliché, but also very funny. It executed perfectly.

"Lucas, what happened?" Riley asked, confused when he walked over to them covered in glue and feathers.

"I... Don't... Know," he replied, confused. "It happened when i opened my locker."

Maya started laughing.

"Should have guessed it," Lucas sighed. "Really, Maya?"

"What?" Maya laughed. "You think I did this?"

"I do," Lucas replied.

"Yeah, well," Maya replied.

Lucas smiled, now knowing for sure that Maya did it.

"You're lucky it's the end of the day and that I don't have to walk around the school like this all day," Lucas said.

"Oh, I'm lucky, am I?" Maya asked.

"Yep," Lucas replied.

"And what would you have done if I did it in the beginning of the day?" Maya asked, trying to scare Lucas.

"You know me, I probably wouldn't have actually done anything," Lucas smiled. Maya laughed and followed Lucas out of the school.

"So what do you wanna do?" Lucas asked. It was just the two of them.

"Well, I saw that this studio was doing free art classes today and I was gonna go. Wanna come with me?" Maya asked.

"Sure, let's do it," Lucas replied. They decided to walk there since they didn't start for a little while.

"So me a Josh recently talked," Maya said randomly.

"Oh, really?" Lucas asked. "About what?"

"He apologized for being a jerk," Maya replied. "He said the only reason he was a jerk was so i'd get over him. He saw how much we liked each other and he didn't want to ruin it..." Maya explained everything.

"Wow, really?" Lucas asked. "He did all that just so we could be together?"

"Yep," Maya smiled.

"I mean that's nice, but the way he did it was ones dumb, don't you think?"

"Yeah, I told him that," she replied.

"Did you forgive him?"

"I didn't tell him I forgive him, but yeah, I forgive him."

"I mean if he did that just so we could be together, I guess he's a pretty nice guy, huh?"

"Yeah. he is" Maya smiled. When they got to the art place, they went inside and saw about ten other people. There were two seats next to each other so they took them. Perfect.

"Actually, I'm gonna sit away from you," Maya stated.

"Why?" Lucas asked, confused.

"My art is personal. If I don't want you to see it, it's better if I sit over there," Maya explained, pointing to the opposite side of the room.

"Alright..." Lucas replied. Maya went and took her seat. A few minutes later who everyone was guessing the teacher was, came In and went to the front of the class.

"Hello, I am Carly, I will be your teacher today," A lady, probably in about her 30's said. "I'm just gonna start out straightforward. I want you to paint a picture of something that really means a lot to you. So grab your brushes, there's tubes of paint on your easel that you can squirt in to your paint tray." Everyone started to do just that. Maya started off with one color. Blue. There was four different blues that she squirted on the tray.

The whole class Carly was talking about art and just explaining stuff.

"We will continue having free art classes for two more months." She suddenly said. That really caught Maya's attention. "I want you all to leave your paintings here, I'll look them over, and next week I'll display my favorite. Any questions?"

Maya raised her hand. "What if we don't want people to see the picture we painted?"

"Ah, yes. If you don't want me to display your work, come to me after class and tell me," Carly replied.

Maya smiled and continued to paint.

"Any other questions?" She asked. "No? Okay."

After class, everyone brought there paintings up and left them on a table put out specifically for that.

"I'd rather not have my painting displayed," Maya said to Carly.

"Of course," Carly smiled. "Then you can just bring it home."

"Great," Maya replied.

"But do you mind if I see it?"Calry asked Maya.

"Uh..." Maya replied. "Sure," she handed the picture to Carly and she smiled.

"Man, you've seriously got a gift for art," she said.

"Really?" Maya asked?

"Yeah. This is beautiful," Mrs. Rodgers said. She pointed to Lucas in a questioning way, while looking at Maya and smiling. Maya nodded. The picture was of her and Lucas sitting at the booth. The same booth they drank hot cocoa in, the same booth they poured their hearts out to each other in, the same booth where for the first time, they really connected.

"You ready?" Lucas asked Maya when he walked over to her.

"Yeah," Maya smiled.

"Can I see your picture?" Lucas asked Maya.

"Mmm...." Maya said. "Sorry, no."

"Fine..." Lucas sighed. Her painting was dry so she put It in a bag.

Lucas walked her home, they said bye to each other, and she went inside. This picture meant a lot to her, and Carly told them all to paint something that meant a lot to them, so it was perfect. She hung it over her bed, replacing the picture of planets she had painted a few months back. This picture was far more important, and it was perfect right

Please read authors note: \/
Hey guys! I know it's been a little while since I've updated, sorry. I've just had a lot on my mind.

Anyway, I have an idea. I was thinking of maybe using this account for all my fandoms. It wouldn't be just GMW anymore. It would be R5, and any tv shows or other things I want. It would also not only be fandoms but anything else I want. Just random books I want to write. Thing is, I would lose all my followers on DidRossCallTheDoctor so maybe I shouldn't. Idk. If you guys think it's a good idea let me know. This also means I won't be @idkifjoshayaorlucaya anymore, either. Anyway, just tell me what you guys think.

Only 5 chapters left! :( kinda sad but it's also exciting because I can move on to more books :)

I'd like at least 2-5 comments and 2-5 votes. Thanks.

Byeeee unicorns!!! 🦄

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