Chapter Seven: I Think We Should Just Be Friends

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Last light both Maya and Lucas were kept up by all their feelings and everything on their mind. They both got zero sleep last night. Okay they each got like an hour. Maybe. But that's it.

"Feelings" Mr. Matthews wrote on the board.

"Why are we learning about this AGAIN, sir?" Lucas asked.

"Because I want you to really grasp this lesson. I know that at your age you guys are now just figuring out your feelings and that you guys are also experiencing new feelings." Mr. Matthews replied.

"How do you express your feelings?" Zay asked.

"It's hard to fully express them. It's also kind of awkward to. Especially if you're shy. But if you ARE willing to express you're feelings, do it. Holding them In will just make you go nuts" Mr. Matthews replied.

"And if you're not willing to?" Maya asked.

"Don't. You don't want to show them until you're ready. Because if you do, you might regret it. So I suggest to only express them and tell the truth about them if you're ready. Because if you're ready, you won't regret. And we all know none of us like regrets and regretting things or stuff we did or do" Mr. Matthews said.

After class, the five went to lunch. Maya got hers and went to the back of the school. Lucas got his and went to the front of the school.

"What's wrong with Lucas?" Riley asked Farkle and Zay.

"What's wrongs with Maya?" Farkle asked Riley.

"I asked you first" Riley said.

"Fine. I probably shouldn't tell you this, and please don't get upset when I do, but Lucas likes Maya. He has since he first started coming here" Farkle said.

"Really?" Riley asked, excitedly.

"Yeah. He told us yesterday" Zay said.

"Now what's wrong with Maya?" Farkle asked.

"She likes Lucas. She told me yesterday. She's liked him since he first started coming here" Riley said.

"Wait, really?" Zay asked.

"Yeah." Riley said.

"Are you okay with that?" Farkle asked Riley.

"It was a little hard to hear, but I'm happy for them" Riley replied. "I've actually known for a while. I told Maya that the other day."

"I've known for a while, too" Farkle replied. "How'd you find out?"

"I see the way they look at each other" Riley replied. "How'd you find out?"

"Same way" Farkle said.

"I'm gonna be right back" Riley said.

"Why?" Zay asked.

"I'm gonna go tell Lucas that we should just be friends" Riley said.

"Are you sure?" Farkle asked.

"Yeah. I probably just like the thought of him. Not him alone" Riley suddenly realized. She left and went for Lucas. She met him in the front of the school.

"Hey" Lucas said when Riley sat down next to him.

"Hey" Riley said.

"I need to talk to you" they said at the same time.

"You go first" Lucas said.

"You're great Lucas. You were my first kiss, and my first boyfriend" Riley said. "But I think we should just be friends"

"Really?" Lucas asked. "Because that's what I was just gonna say"

"Really?" Riley asked.

"Yeah. I don't want you to think this means I don't like you, because i still do like you. But only a little. I like you more as a friend. But I like someone else" he said.

"Do I know her?" Riley asked.

"Yeah. You know her pretty well" Lucas smiled.

"Well, I hope whoever she is, it works out with her" Riley smiled.

"Thanks. That means a lot" Lucas smiled back. Riley went back inside and back to Farkle and Zay.

"Did you do it?" Zay asked when Riley sat back down at the table.

"Yep" she replied.


Heyyy guys!

What do you think about Riley telling Lucas she just wants to be friends? -tell me in the comments! :)

I've noticed that pretty much every single GMW fanfiction I read they make Riley jealous and she starts being mean and stuff like that. So I wanted to make her how she would really be about the whole thing.

Also, THANK YOU GUYS FOR 200 READS ON MY STORY! I know it's not a lot, but I was expecting to only get a few. So it means a lot.

Also, if you want to get another chapter on Wednesday, I need at least 3-5 comments! :)

Well, sorry for another long authors note.

Byeeee!!! :)


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