Chapter Eight: The Plan

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Two Weeks Later:

"I can't handle this, Farkle. I can't hold it in anymore" Lucas said.

"Can't hold what in?" Farkle asked.

"My feelings for Maya. It's driving me insane. Mr. Matthews was right. His lesson was spot on" Lucas said stressfully.

"Are you ready to tell her how you feel?" Farkle asked him.

"I am. But I can't just blurt out, 'Maya I like you!' That's insane!" Lucas replied.

"Sure you can." Farkle said.

"But what if she doesn't like me back?" Lucas asked.

"You never know unless you try" Farkle said.

"I can't just randomly go up to her though" Lucas said. "Can I?"

"No. You don't want to catch her off guard." Farkle replied.

"Then what do i do?" Lucas asked.

"I'll think of something. See you later. I gotta get home" Farkle replied before he left Lucas's house.

"Alright. See you later man" Lucas said.

How can I show Maya I like her? I can't just blurt it out. It has to be something memorable. But what can I do? Lucas thought.

With Maya and Riley:

Two Hours Later:

"Riley I can't do this anymore." Maya said stressfully as she climbed through Riley's window.

"Do what?" Riley asked as she walked over to the bay window from her bed.

"Hold in the feelings I have for Lucas. It's getting hard to even be around him" Maya replied.

"Do you wanna tell him?" Riley asked.

"Of course I do. But I can't" Maya replied.

"Why?" Riley asked.

"Because I don't know if he likes me. And if I tell him I like him and he doesn't like me back, then I would be completely humiliated. And I can't handle that. I would never be able to be the same around him." Maya said, sadly.

"Are you SURE you don't want me to find out if he likes you?" Riley asked.

"No I don't want you to. You've done enough." Maya smiled. "You gave him up for me. What else could I ask for?"

"Hey, I actually figured out something" Riley said.

"And what is that?" Maya asked.

"I figured out that I don't like him. I just like the thought of him" Riley replied.

"And how'd you figure that out?" Maya asked.

"I don't know. I just did" Riley smiled.

The Next Day:

"Lucas is driving himself insane" Farkle said as him, Riley and Zay walked into Topanga's.

"Why?" Riley asked.

"He says he can't hold held in his feelings for Maya anymore" Zay finished.

"Maya's doing the same thing" Riley said.

"This is ridiculous. They're never gonna get together without a push. It's time to take order" Farkle said.

"What do you mean?" Riley asked.

"We need to come up with a plan to get them together" Farkle continued.

"What kind of plan?" Zay asked.

Farkle sat there thinking until he came up with a plan.

"I got it. We write them each a note" Farkle said.

"That's says what?" Zay asked.

"Hold on" Farkle said. He took a piece of paper out of his notebook and got a pen.

Farkle wrote a note and after, Riley and Zay read it.

"think this will work" Riley said. Zay wrote the note to Maya making it seem more like guy handwriting. And Riley wrote the one to Lucas making it seem more like girl handwriting.

Zay brought the note to Maya's house and out it in her mailbox. Farkle brought the note to Lucas's house and put it in his mailbox.

All hey had to do now was wait for the plan to work.


Heyyy, Guys!

I decided since I have 200 reads on my book I'd put up another chapter to thank you guys!

I hope you liked it!

-what do you think the note says?

-tell me in the comments! :)

Byeee!! <3


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