Chapter Twenty-Four: Christmas! Part One:

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The next day Auggie woke Riley up excitedly. And Riley woke Maya up excitedly.

They went to the living room and went to the tree. They were just looking at the wrapped presents and which ones were for them. They weren't allowed to open them yet. It was 7:23. They opened their stockings though. They were at least allowed to do that. Even Maya got a stocking. She never got one until this year. She was confused but excited. She didn't expect anything. They always get her a little something every year, but she never looks under the tree for it though. She waits for them to give it to her. She doesn't want to look greedy.

They ate breakfast and then Auggie woke up Topanga and Cory so he could finally open his presents.

As soon as they go to the living room, Auggie opened a present. Then it was Riley's turn. They kept taking turns opening presents.

"Hold on. Let Maya open hers" Cory said.

"Thanks" Maya smiled. They handed it to her and she opened it. It was a coat. A really nice coat. It was long, black, and had a lot of buttons. She tried it on. She loved it. "Thanks so much"

"You're welcome" Topanga smiled.

Then Riley and Auggie kept taking turns opening presents again. A while later, Topanga handed Maya another present. She wasn't expecting that. She usually only gets one from them.

She opened it. It was a hat and a scarf. The hat was navy blue along with the scarf. There were also navy blue gloves.

They handed her another. She opened it. It was a new outfit. It was a sweater that said, 'Merry Christmas Ya Filthy Animal' along with black jeans. They got her that sweater because they know Home Alone is her favorite christmas movie. Then they handed her another one. She opened it and it was a pair of tan ugg boots. That's all she got and she loved it.

"Wow. Thank you. Really." Maya smiled.

"You don't have to thank us. We were happy to do it" Cory smiled. Maya looked over to Riley and she was smiling at her. She got in the shower and put on her new outfit. She was getting ready to meet Lucas.

"I'll be back later" Maya said before she left.

She walked to the subway and got off where she had to. Which was around Lucas's house. She knocked on the door at 9:47 and who Maya was guessing was Lucas's mom, answered. She's never met her.

"You must be Maya. I'm Lucas's mom" yep. Maya was right. "Nice to meet you" she gave Maya a hug.

"Nice to meet you, too" Maya smiled.

"Come in" she smiled.

Lucas came down and saw Maya. He smiled and hid something behind his back without Maya noticing.

"Hey" He said when he got downstairs.

"Hi" Maya smiled.

"I'll be back later, mom" Lucas said.

"Okay! Have fun!" She shouted from the kitchen.

"Your mom seems really nice" Maya said.

"She's the best" Lucas replied.

"Merry Christmas" Maya smiled.

"Merry Christmas" Lucas replied with a smile.

They walked to some place where they were gonna get something to eat.

After they ordered their food, they sat down at a table and started to talk while eating.

"I got you something" Lucas said.

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