Chapter Fifty Nine: Maya's Beautiful Paper

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It was two days later at school in Mr. Matthews' class. Everyone was being loud and fooling around until he came and yelled out for the class to take their seat. He went around and passed everyone their graded papers.

"You all got a pretty good grade. Except for two of you who did exactly what I told you not to do," he looked to two at the back of the class. "Other than that, you all did fairly well, but I specifically impressed by one paper. Maya Hart, would you mind coming up here and reading you paper out loud to the class?"

"Uh, okay," She got up and walked to the front of the room. She took her paper from Mr. Matthews and looked at it with a shocked expression. "A+? Really?"

"You deserve it."

She started reading her paper. "Most people say they're grateful for a roof over their head, clothes on their backs, and food on their table. And although I'm grateful for that, too, I'm grateful for something much stranger. Something most people who went through something like this would never want to think about. It's something that most people go through life being ashamed about. It's something i was ashamed of until thanksgiving, actually. It's something i never thought i would get over. But it's something I'm so glad I found the beauty in. I'm Maya Hart, and I'm grateful for the time my father left. Im grateful for it because it taught me that it's okay to cry. It taught me that it's okay to be scared. It taught me that it's okay to be angry. It taught me that's it's okay to be upset. It taught me that if someone leaves, they never should have been there in the first place, and they probably never loved you. It showed what real love is. It showed me that people stay if they truly love you. It let me realize how lucky I am to have the people that I have in my life. I'm surrounded by people that love and care about me. I don't need someone who's just gonna run off when things get difficult. It showed me that I'm strong enough to continue life even if I don't have a father. He is the reason I am who I am today. And although that may lot always be good, I'm trying my best. He gave me the people I have in my life today. And without them I know I'd be in such a terrible place. Without him leaving that day, I wouldn't be as lucky as I am today. I'm glad things workout the way they do, and I'm thankful for my dad leaving that day, no matter how strange that sounds." Maya had tears in her eyes and the whole class clapped.

"That was beautiful Maya," Mr. Matthews said. "It may be shorter than its supposed to be, but it's beautiful and it's shows exactly who you are. That was flawless. You may take your seat."


Hey guys! I know that chapter was short but I like it and I literally just wrote it.

Guys there's one more chapter!!! It's sad but also pretty cool that I've made it this far.

So some people said they wanted to hear more about my crush so here you go!

I've become pretty food friends with him which is really nice. He's the only one at my church who I feel comfortable having a one-on-one conversation with which is really weird. You'd think it'd be the opposite but no. It's so weird because a little while ago I had these days that I couldn't even look at him because I like him so much. It makes me sad that he's an f-boy because it makes it hard for me to know if he likes me or if he's just playing around. Recently he's been sitting next to me like all the time. The other night after youth group I went upstairs and sat on this thing that's big enough for two people (purposely because I figured he would probably come up and sit next to me like he usually does lol) I had my feet stretched out and i was sitting sideways. and he did come and sit next to me! He told me to move my legs so he could sit down. I did and he just sat next to me and we talked for like an hour until I had to leave. I'm the most awkward person so me being able to talk to him one-on-one is huge. Every time it was silent it wasn't really awkward silence (which there usually is when I'm talking to people) it was just silence. I'm not sure how he felt but my guess is he probably would have left if it was awkward. And if I can be silent around someone and it not be awkward, you know I'm comfortable with them. And every time we say bye he hugs me super tight he cracks my back lol. But if he's always sitting next to me and talking to me and hugging me so tight, does he possibly like me? I know it's kinda hard to tell because of the way he is, he could just be playing with me, but I've always had the feeling he likes me. What do you guys think? Please comment and tell me why you guys think!!! :)

I'd like at least 2-5 comments and 2-5 votes before I put up the last chapter!!

Byeeee unicorns!!! 🦄


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