Chapter Four: A New Connection

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The Same Day: (A/N: this is happening the same time as Riley and Maya's talk)

"Do you really like Riley?" Farkle asked Lucas out of nowhere. They were at Topanga's right now.

"What? Of course I do. What kind of question is that?" Lucas asked Farkle, confused.

"I don't know. Just wondering" Farkle replied.

"Why would you ask that?" Lucas asked him.

Farkle turned more so he was facing Lucas more. "Are you sure you don't like anyone else?"

"What are you saying, Farkle?" Lucas asked.

"Answer me" Farkle said.

"No. I don't like anyone else" Lucas replied. "Why are you suddenly asking this?"

"No reason" Farkle said.

"No, no, no. You have to tell me now" Lucas replied.

"It's just- I've seen the way you look at a certain... Someone" Farkle replied.

"Who's that certain someone?" Lucas asked, confused.

"Her name may or may not start with an M" Farkle said.

"Farkle enough with the riddles. Just tell me what you're thinking" Lucas replied.

"Maya. I've seen the way you guys look at each other" Farkle said.

"What? You're crazy" Lucas said.

"Come on, Lucas. I've seen the way you've looked at her since day one. But i just left it alone since you and Riley like each other. But I still always knew there was something there" Farkle explained.

"Farkle where are you getting all of this from?"

"I've been thinking about it since last night at the party"

"Welll, whatever. you're wrong, man" Lucas said.

"I don't think I am. You guys look at each other like I've never seen someone look at each other before."

"You're insane. We look at each other the same way all people look at each other."

"Yeah. All people that are in love"

"What? in love? No way. Never. Never in a million years would Maya Hart be in love with me." Lucas said.

"But are you in love with her?"

Lucas paused. "No. I'm not. I'm not In love with Maya. I don't even like her AT ALL that way"

"You sure?" Farkle asked.

"Yeah. And plus. Do you see the way she treats me? There's NO WAY that she would be In love with me"

"There's always a reason for the way someone treats you. Like maybe she makes fun of you and treats you the way she does because she IS in love with you. Or at least likes you" Farkle said.

"There's no way" Lucas replied.

"Just at least consider the possibility" Farkle replied.

"I gotta get home. My moms probably gonna have dinner ready soon" Lucas said as he stood up.

"Think about what I said" Farkle said before Lucas left.

While walking home, Lucas bumped into someone.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sor- Maya?" He asked, confused.

"Lucas?" She asked, also confused.

"Yeah. Uh sorry, I was thinking and wasn't really looking where I was going" he replied.

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