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Dean is eating and Sam is on the laptop; behind them the Man with the pancakes is reading a newspaper. A thing of pink syrup is visible next to his plate. "So the police report says Dexter Hasselback is a professor, but that's not all he is." Sam says.

"What is he?" Dean asks.

"I talked to his daughter. Guy's quite the journalist. Columns in magazines, a blog." Sam says and The Man leaves. "He writes about tourist attractions. Mystery spots, UFO crash sites-he gets his kicks debunking them. I mean, he's already put four of these places out of business. Here." Sam turns the laptop to face Dean.

Onscreen is the biography of the author of the blog "The Hasselback Report" with a picture of Hasselback and a headline Dean reads aloud. "Dexter Hasselback, truth warrior? More like a pompous schmuck, you ask me." He says.

"Yeah, tell me about it. I mean, I've read everything the guy's ever written, and he must have weighed a ton, he was so full of himself." Sam says.

"When'd you have time to do all this research?" Dean asks.

"Come on." Sam packs up the laptop. They get up. Dean laughs. "What?"

"I just, it's just funny, you know, I mean, this guy spends his whole life crapping on Mystery Spots and then he vanishes into one. It's kinda poetic, you know, just desserts." Dean says.

"You're right, that is just desserts." Sam notices the Man's abandoned plate; it has a partial pancake and pink syrup.

"What's wrong?" Elena asks.

Sam watches the Man walk by the diner windows. "Guy has maple syrup for the last hundred Tuesdays, all of a sudden he's having strawberry?" He asks.

"It's a free country. Man can't choose his own syrup, huh? What have we become?" Dean asks.

"Not in this diner. Not today. Nothing in this place ever changes. Ever. Except us."

Closeup of Sam's closed eyes.

Heat of the moment...

Sam's eyes open.Sam sits up in bed and stares around.

Telling you what your heart is...

"Rise and shine, Sammy!" Dean is sitting on the other bed, tying his shoes. Sam looks around.

The heat of the moment Showed in your eyes...

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The Man is eating pancakes with maple syrup. Behind him, Dean is eating and Sam is watching the Man. "So you think you're caught in some kind of what, again?" Dean asks.

"Eat your breakfast." Elena says.

The Man leaves and Sam follows. "What's in the bag?" Dean and Elena follow Sam.

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The Man walks down the street. Sam grabs him, slams him into the fence, and puts the tip of a wooden stake at his throat. "Hey!" The Man yells.

"I know who you are. Or should I say, what." Sam says.

"Oh my god, please don't kill me."

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