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      "You're piling it pretty high there, sweetheart. I'm not sure I'm buying." Says Dean.

      "Why would I lie?"

      "Demons lie." Dean points out.

      "Some do. Some are true believers." Casey says.

      "Believers in what?"

      "You think humans have an exclusive on a higher power?" She asks.

      "You have a god?"

      "Sure. His name's Lucifer." Casey says.

      "You mean the devil?" Dean asks.

      "Your word, not ours. Lucifer actually means "light bringer." Look it up. Once he was the most beautiful of all god's angels, But god demanded that he bow down before man, and when he refused, god banished him. Tell me, Dean. How do you like bowing before lesser creatures?" Casey asks.

      "Lucifer's really real?"

      "Well, no one's actually seen him, but they say that he made us into what we are, and they say that he'll return." She says.

      "Oh, yeah? And, uh, you believe that?" Dean asks.

      "I've got faith. So, you see? Is my kind really all that different than yours?"

      "Well, except that, uh, demons are evil."

      "...and humans are such a lovable bunch. Dick Cheney." Casey says.

      "He one of yours?"

      "Not yet. Let's just say he's got a parking spot reserved for him downstairs." She says.

      "Hey, speaking of downstairs...what's it like down there?" Dean asks.

      "What, hell?"


      "That's right. You booked a one-way ticket with that deal. You're not gonna like it, Dean. And, um, judging from the trouble you've caused, I don't think you'll be getting the presidential suite. No, it's a pit of despair. Why do you think we want to come here?" She asks.

[ ☾]

      "So, the-the bartender the other night, Casey, you know her pretty well?" Elena asks Gil.

      "Since she was in pigtails." He says.

      "Well, um, she and my brother, they, uh...they...left tonight. Together." Sam says.

      "Well, not that I approve, but they are consenting adults."


      "I'm sorry. You said "brother." I thought you were insurance investigators." Gil says.

      "Right, right. Well, we are. Um, it's like a family business, you know? Anyways, um, so, I went to Casey's apartment, and they weren't there. I just have this feeling that they-that they might be in trouble." Sam says.

      "What kind of trouble?" Gil asks.

      "Just trouble. Please, Father, I need your help. Is there anything you could tell me about Casey-anyplace she'd go, maybe?"

      "Yes, there is a place. Let me get my jacket."

      "No, wait, Father. We can do this by ourselves." Elena says.

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