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      Dean and Bela pull into the museum parking lot in the Impala. "Are you chewing gum?" Bela asks. "Try to behave as if you've lived this life before, yeah?"

      Inside, Gert spots Sam. "This'll get their tongues wagging, hey my Adonis." She says.

      "Just remember, we're on business." Sam says.

      "Ohhhh, but sometimes business can be pleasure, hmm?" Gert says.

      "Right." Sam says. "You know, could you excuse me for a moment? Thanks."

      Sam walks over to Bela and Dean. "Exactly how long do you expect me to entertain my date?" He asks them.

      "As long as it takes." Bela says. "Or until you're girlfriend gets here from being fashionably late."

      "Look, there's security all over this place, alright. This is an uncrashable party without Gert's invitation, so..." Dean says.

      "We can crash anything, Dean." Sam points out.

      "Yeah, I know, but this is easier and it's a lot more entertaining." Dean says.

      "You know there are limits to what I'll do, right?" Sam asks.

      "Ohhh, he's playing hard to get, that's cute. Come on." Dean says. "I want all the details in the morning!"

      Gert comes over with champagne and hands one to Bela. "Thank you." Bela says.

      "To us." Says Gert.

      After they drink, some guys open the door and Elena steps in. She's wearing and poofy Black and Tan dress. She pulls up the gloves on her hands.

      A lot of people look at her like a Cinderella movie. Dean chokes on his drink when he sees her and Bela watches him warily. Sam looks at his girlfriend and wears the biggest smile.

      "Kind of dramatic for the occasion, don't you think?" Bela asks.

      Elena walks up to the gang. "Sorry I'm late. I couldn't find anything to wear so I found this at an old boutique." She says.

      "You look...beautiful." Sam says.

      Elena does a curtsy. "Thank you. Would you like to dance?" She asks Sam.

      "I would love to." Sam offers his arm and she takes it.

      Dean finishes his drink. "I'm gonna need a couple more of these." He says as he grabs another champagne.

      "Careful." Bela says. "You'll over intoxicate."

      "Who cares?" Dean says as he downs another drink. He watches Sam and Elena dance, squinting.

      Bela smiles as she watches him. "You know, you're not very good at concealing your emotions." She says to Dean.

      "What are you talking about?" Dean asks.

      "That you like her." Bela motions to Elena who is happily dancing with a smiling Sam.

      "What?" Dean shakes his head and let's out a 'pfft' noise. "No."

      Bela's eyes grow wide. "Oh my god. You're in love with her." She says.

      "No I'm not." Dean says.

      "You're a terrible liar." Bela says. "I don't understand why you haven't said anything yet."

      "Because she's with my brother."

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