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Sam, Elena and Dean eat outside at a sandwich shop. Sam has ordered a cob salad and Dean has ordered his usual bacon cheeseburger with fries. Elena has ordered a BLT with a side of curly fries.

"I can't believe you guys ordered all of that greasy food." Sam says as he looks at the local newspaper.

Elena taps her stomach. "I have a high metabolism so I can eat as much as I want and won't get fat."

"I just love food." Dean says as he eats a bite of his burger and moans.

"I get it." Sam says and turns away from his brother.

Elena wipes her hands on her napkin and pulls out her notepad. "I have more questions." She says smiling as she waves it in Dean's face.

"Ugh." Dean says.

She also takes out a pen. "Have you ever gotten a tattoo?" She asks.

"That is such a random question." Dean says as he licks his fingers.

"Just answer the question." She says.

"Nope." Dean says. "And I don't plan on getting one."

Elena smiles as she looks at the boys. "Oh no." Sam says. He knew that look.

"I'm not getting a freaking tattoo!" Dean yells.

"Oh come on!" Elena yells. "What's the point of denying it? It's not like it's gonna matter in a couple of months." She says.

Sam clears his throat. "And she means that in the most sincere way." He says.

Elena shakes Sam and Dean's arms in unison. "Come on, please!" She yells.

"Let's just get the damn thing." Dean says and gets up. Elena smiles. "I'm thinking a soaring eagle."

"Ew, no." Elena says and scrunches up her nose.

"Yeah, you guys go do that, I'm just gonna sit here and wait." Sam says.

"Don't be such a partypooper, Sam." Elena says.

"Yeah Sam." Dean says and crosses his arms.

"Let's make a bet." Elena says.


"If you get a tattoo with us, then..." Elena leans into Sam's ear and whispers something. His eyes go wide.

Sam clears his throat. "Tattoos sound fun." He says and turns to find a shop.

Later, Dean is siting down in a chair and man sits next to him, needle ready. "So what will it be? Unicorn? MOM in capital letters?" The Man says.

"Oo, unicorns sound fun." Dean says.

Elena shakes her head and takes off the necklace Bobby have her. It was a silver medallion with a pentagram. "How about this?" She says and hands it to the man.

He examines it and looks at her in the corner of his eye. "Are you guys Satan worshipers or something?" He asks.

"Um no, we just like it." Elena says.

"Oh, cause I have one too." He says and pulls his sleeve up. The same pentagram is tattooed onto his skin. "One day Satan will come from Hell and vanquish all of his non believers."

There'll Be Peace » Supernatural [3] | ✓Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat