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      The last victim's house has become a crime scene. Bela, impersonating a reporter, is interviewing a distraught man who is the victim's brother. "No. Police said that he drowned, but I don't u-understand how..." Mr Warren says.

      "I am so sorry for your loss, Mr. Warren. Now, if you could just tell me one more time about the ship your brother saw." Bella says.

      Dean, Elena and Sam approach, wearing their fancier clothes and flashing badges. "Ma'am, I think this man's been through quite enough. You should go." Dean says.

      "But I just have a few more questions." Bella says.

      "No, you don't." Elena says.

      "Thank you for your time." Bela says and leaves.

      "Sorry you had to deal with that. They're like roaches." Dean says.

      "So, we heard you say your brother saw a ship." Sam says.

      "Yeah, that's right." Mr Warren says.

      "Did he tell you what it looked like?" Asks Elena.

      "It was, uh... like the old Yankee clippers. A smuggling vessel. The rakish topsail, a barkentine rigging. Angel figurehead on the bow."

      "That's a lot of detail for a ship your brother saw." Elena points out.

      "My brother and I were night diving. I saw the ship, too."

      On the other side of the parking lot, Bela is talking to the real uniforms and pointing in Dean, Elena and Sam's direction. Sam notices first and nudges Dean. They wrap up.

      "All right. Well, we'll be in touch." Dean says.

      "Thank you." Sam says.

[ ☼ ]

      Dean and Sam are loading shotguns at the trunk of the Impala while stands by. Bela approaches from behind. "I see you got your car back." She says.

      "You really want to come near me when I got a loaded gun in my hands?" Dean asks.
      "Now, now. Mind your blood pressure. Why are you even still here? You have enough to I.D. the boat." Says Bela.

      "That guy back there saw the ship." Elena says.

      "Yeah? And?" Bella asks.

      "And he's going to die, so we have to save him." Elena says.

      "How sweet." Bela says.
      "You think this is funny?" Dean asks.

      "He's cannon fodder. He can't be saved in time, and you know it." Says Bela.

      "Yeah, well, see, we have souls, so we're gonna try." Dean says.

      "Well, I'm actually going to find the ship and put an end to this. But you have fun."

      "Hey, Bela, how'd you get like this, huh? What, did daddy not give you enough hugs or something?"

     "I don't know. Your daddy give you enough?" Bela says. "Don't you dare look down your nose at me. You're not better than I am."

      "We help people." Elena says.

      "Come on. You do this out of vengeance and obsession. You're a stone's throw from being a serial killer." Says Bela. "Whereas I, on the other hand, I get paid to do a job and I do it. So, you tell me-which is healthier?"

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