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Amanda is frantically flipping through the pages of a book with occult symbols on it and foreign language written around the symbols. A wind blows through her house blowing out the candles on her altar.

Amanda screams and holds out her left arm where one cut has already been sliced in her wrist vertically. Two more slice down next to that cut with no visible assailant and blood begins to pour out of the wounds.

"No! No...aah no!" Three cuts slice into her right wrist vertically matching those on her left wrist and blood pours out of them despite Amanda screams in protest.

She falls forward pushing the altar off the table and lands face down on her glass coffee table, blood from her cut wrists pooling around her arms her eyes shut.

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Dean picks the lock and enters Amanda's house followed closely by Sam and Elena with their guns drawn. They enter the room and find Amanda lifeless on the table covered in blood and switch on the light. "That's a curveball." Dean says.

"Yeah." Sam says.

They approach Amanda's body, and Dean lifts her right arm with the barrel of his gun then looks at the other as well. "Three per wrist, vertical. She wasn't foolin' around." Dean says.

Sam puts his gun in the back of his jeans and bends down to look at the scattered remnant of the altar holding his nose to the smell of the burnt rotten food. "Yeah, looks like she was working some heavyweight evil here." Sam says.

"Yup." Dean turns around nearly running into the hanging body of a rabbit. "Oh god! Freakin' witches! Seriously man, come on!"

"Guess we know where she got the rabbit's teeth from." Elena says.

"Well, Paul sure knows how to pick 'em huh? It's like Fatal Attraction all over again." Dean says.


"And why does the rabbit always get screwed in the deal?! The poor little guy." Dean says.

"You know what I don't get Dean? If she was so bent on revenge, why do this?" Sam asks.

"Well, she got Janet Dutton, thought she finished off Paul, decided to cap herself and make it a spurned lovers hat-trick."

"Maybe." Sam starts to look under the glass table that Amanda is on.

"I mean, this doesn't exactly look like the TV room of a bright and stable person you know?" Dean asks.

"No, but then..." Sam reaches around and pulls out another hex bag that is tucked under the table and stands up tossing it to Dean. "There's this."

"Another hex bag? Come on!" Dean opens the bag to find similar contents of the bag they found in Janet's bathroom and he tosses it on the table reaching for his phone. "Looks like we got a hit huh? A little witch on witch violence?"

"I guess." Sam says.

Dean dials the phone and hold it up to his ear. "I'd like to report a dead body, 309 Mayfair Circle. My name? Yeah, sure my name is-" Dean clicks the phone shut cutting himself off. "Why are witches ganking each other?"

"I don't know, but I think maybe we got a coven on our hands." Sam says.

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