"I. Want. Y-you. To..." She giggled towards the end. "To... Hehehe. To. Fuck. Me"

"W-what?" Sasuke chuckled along with her.

"You know~~" she giggled. "Sleep with mmmeeeee~" she sang.

"I-I can do t-that" he hiccuped and he quickly took her to his room.


"Beep Beep! Beep Beep!" Sasuke groaned as his phone went off. His eyes were closed but his hands as reaching out for the phone. As soon as he got it he answered it.


"Sasuke!" A women from the other line yelled. "Where are you?!".

"Karin stop yelling in my ear..."

"Are you hung over?"


"Ah sorry Sasuke, I didn't know. I'll call back later okay? Bye" she hung up.

"Hm.. Who was that?" Sakura awaken from her sleep.

"No one" he groaned holding his head.

"Oh, was it important?"

"It was no one Sakura" he got slightly annoyed.

"I was just asking Sasuke sor-"

"Annoying bitch I said NO ONE!" He yelled at her. She felt a sting in her chest and looked down.

"Heh" she got up and tried to find her clothes.

"Where you going?"


"What?! why?" he got up and quickly put his boxers and pants on trying to stop her.

"Because I was stupid for coming here and to think you actually started caring for me again. Fuck man, I'm just fooling myself" she tried to play it off by laughing to his her tears.

"Sakura I didn't mea-"

"No Sasuke, just stop right there before you start anything else okay? I'm going to get in my car and go home, pretend that all of this didn't happen and pretend that you never happened. I hope your happy Uchiha, have a nice life" she smiled and tried to walk away.

"You can't just walk away from me again Sakura! I don't want to lose you again!" He quickly got hold of her wrist and faced her towards him. "I'm sorry! I don't know why I said that".

"Wow, what an excuse" she rolled her puffy pinkish eyes.

"Sakura I'm serious! I want us to work! I want you back! I need you in my life... No. I want you in my life. I want to make up for everything that I ever did wrong back then. I know I fucked up I know I did. I'm better now I promise you I am. I sobered up I don't smoke or drink I swear Sakura I am" he pleaded.

"Sasuke..." She sniffled. "I- I just can't!". His heart sank as she said that.

"W-what? Why?" He looked as if he were about to cry.

"I just can't right now Sasuke!" She cried. "You hurt me physically and mentally! I can't even be around people besides five people. One is a kid! You know how many people left me as soon as we parted?! Go on guess"

"I don't know..." He whispered.

"Everyone... Everyone left me because of you... All because of you" she smiled as a tear rolled down her face.

"Please give me a second chance Sakura"

"I love you Sasuke, and I always will but giving you a second chance would be asking for suicide..." She held his face so he can stare at her eyes. "Do you still love me after all these years?" She asked whimpering.

"I always have Sakura... I always have.." He cried burying his face in her left shoulder hugging her tightly around her small body. "Please don't leave me Sakura... I love you"



Hi!!! I know I'm fucking late! Happy New Years and Merry Past Christmas?! *^* I'll try to post again soon on my other stories. I'm still working on them. Like this one I pulled an all nighter for. So thank you all for being patient and supporting me! I love you all and for now Ja Ne!

P.S. I changed my username! What y'all think?! XD

I'ma Make You Love Me Again (SasuSaku)Where stories live. Discover now