Chapter 27

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We've been back at work, table reading, rehearsing, filming, for a couple of weeks now. We were done filming the episode after Christmas Danger. A couple of weeks ago we had our Warp party for what a great season we've had and let's just say it was PRETTY INTERESTING! It's like I feel Jace likes me but I don't think he's FULLY out if his feelings with Maeve. She was there since she is a recurring character and to be honest, she was looking very good. She had on denim short-shorts and a black crop top, with her brown hair wavy. And I saw Jace looking at her and they are still friends so they are still pretty close, but then he's been all smiles with me, and we've been taking cute pictures, and he's been pretty close to me too. Like when I was talking to Sean, Jace asked if he could talk to me and he didn't even he anything to say to me! So I don't know. I have finally accepted that.... I like Jace. At first, I was kind of nervous and uncomfortable when I was with him, but now I've accepted that I like Jace Lee Norman. My Puerto Rican goofball, who is so cute, funny, smart, and just loves to brighten up someone's day even though sometimes he's not having the best day. And I know he loves animals because he had so many animals when he lived in New Mexico, and he's just a rare Puerto Rican which makes him even more special because most of them are a darker skin color with brown or black hair. Even if he doesn't like me back, he will ALWAYS  be my best friend. I watch some Sam&Cat, letting the day go by. I was about to go get a snack until I hear the doorbell ring. I open the door. "Maeve?!" I say shocked.

Gave you guys that cliffhanger! Everything about Jace being Puerto Rican, and living with lots of farm animals in New Mexico is all true! Some people are like "Really?!" And I'm like, "Yeah!Duh!"😒😒 lol. I don't know why some people thought he was Canadian or a regular Caucasian. Like yeah I know he wears that "Canada" sweater a lot but still. Riele is the one who is Canadian and Jace is Puerto Rican and is born and raised in New Mexico and he had a LOT of farm animals! FUN FACT YAYY! Ok, Love you guys, comment,vote, and stay tuned! Peace out!✌🏾️✌🏾✌🏾💗💖🤓💗❤️💖😀☄☄😄😊😬💁🏾💁🏾

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