Chapter 3

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I pinch myself again and Jace noticed again and cause he asked " Another one of those dares you just couldn't do". I just went with that and said " Um yeah they're giving me intense dares " I say again nervously. " Hey Rie can I ask you something " ? He said with a serious face so I knew that something was up. " Whats wrong Jaceface."  He smirked a little at the name and began talking " Well I like - he paused I started to get nervous and a little sweaty, that Jiele comment came into mind. No it can't be, no I don't like him he doesn't like me. I give him a concerned face and he said " Maeve" I standed there  with relief feeling dumb. Why would I think Jace like me?  I was way more calm and gave him a reassuring smile " Wow, that's cool"  " Yeah it's like ever since that episode when we kissed I just felt something you know, like a spark "he said with his bright smile as he was talking about Maeve I can tell that he really like her because his eyes turned a lighter shade of brown. I smiled. Seeing him happy makes me happy .  " I think you should ask her out, I think she would definitely  say yes " I say poking him lightly. He smiled and hugged me . " Thanks, Ri " I gave him another smile but like REALLY REALLY deep down there I wanted it to be me or something. I shake it off and looked at the time. I've notice we've been taking for a good hour. " Cmon Riele lets play some games and get beaten by me "  "Oh, no your going down".

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