"A cat" I jump in excitement. I really love cats.

"What's the name?" I ask him.

"WanRin" I began to find his cat.

[Few hours passed]

"Aish where is he?" WanHyuk said, worried.

"Maybe he just went out to find a partner? Nobody knows."

"Yeah. Maybe you're right." He smile awkwardly.

"Its 12 in the afternoon. Lets have lunch." He said. I nod and we came into the house.

He ordered pizza since I said I was craving for pizza. The atmosphere during lunch was a bit noisy since I talk to him about our schoolmates back in Busan. Its funny tho.

"I need to go back to the room. I wanna take a nap. Dont come in" I give him a death glare.

"Hahaha I wont. Just lock the room arasso?" He laugh and I nod.

I quickly went to the room that I slept and lock it. I took my phone out. I look at the message that I sent to EunMi. She already read it. I wish this will end soon. I decide to chat in Kakaotalk.

-Kakaotalk Chat-

Me: Hey guys ^_^

YuRi: Ohmygosh! You dare to play your phone?

Hoseok: Jagi, are you alright? did he hurt you?

Jimin: SUNGRINN!!!!

JaeMi: Girll you okay?

EunMi: Onnie T.T I told you not to go. See what happen T.T

Yoongi: She was crying the whole night. I couldn't sleep *sigh*

Jungkook: You okay?

Jin: Did you eat?

Namjoon: Did he make you suffer?

Taehyung: Mwo?! How did you manage to bring your phone?

Me: Yah! One by one. asdfghjklsdfghjkl

Me: Yes i dare// I'm okay and no// JIMINIEEE!!!//I'm okay boo//Mianhae :'(//Ugh. Comfort her pabo!//Yes I'm okay// Yeah. We ate pizza for lunch ^-^//Nope. He dint.//Its a secret.

Jimin: Aish this girl.

Hoseok: We aldy told the police.

I don't know why but I feel like I wanna stay longer with WanHyuk.

Me: Can you tell the police that to go on with the plan after 1 week?

All: MWO?!?!?!

Jimin: Are you crazy or something?

Me: No. Just do what I ask. I wanna stay with him abit longer. He's kinda lonely here. Jebal.

All: Aishhh.

Me: *puppy eye*

EunMi: Fine. You can.

All: MWO?!?!?!

Yoongi: You're the one who was crying and now you let her? Seriously?

All: Yeah.

EunMi: I know what she's doing. Just let her.

Me: Kamsahabnida EunMi *kiss* Okay. I need to go now. Bye.

-End Of Chat-

I switch off my phone since they already got my location. I put my phone back where I put it. Hm. I wonder what he do down there.

WanHyuk's POV

I'm glad that she din't give that cold look. I knew she loves cat thats why I had a cat as a pet and name it WanRin. I think she fell asleep already. I took out my phone and look at her picture again.

"SungRin-a, I wish you give me a chance to feel you love." I mumble.

"Just one day also enough for me." Tears slowly fell down.

"Just one day is enough" I close my eyes and put my phone to my chest.

Jimin's POV

She's offline. Aish. That girl. I look at EunMi who was sitting on a bench at the backyard. I went to her and saw her crying.

"EunMi" I sat down beside her.

"Hm?" She quickly wipe her tears.

"Why did you let her?"

"WanHyuk loves her since junior. I know why she wants to stay with him 1 week more." She look at the sky.


"She wants WanHyuk to feel her love. All he wants from SungRin is just love. Even just a day." She smile.

I remain silent after what she said. I don't know what to say again. I also want to feel her love but I dont want to ruin her relationship with Hoseok. I know how much they love each other. Can I keep my feelings like this? Can I move on? I don't know. Many question were asked but I can't answer it.

A/N: Helloo~ How was the last chapter? I hope its fine. Here's another chapter. Few chapters left before the ending and I'm so sad :'( I can't believe I actually finish this book XD HAHAHAHAHA. anyway, please VOTE and COMMENT if there's something wrong. Thanks for supporting. Luv ya readers <3

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