Chapter 26 Fighting

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"Spot get off of Mush!" I called as Spot was in the process of beating up Mush.

Probably should say why he is, shouldn't I? Well you see, it's been three days since the Delancey Brothers came, and Mush hadn't left. Spot was getting frustrated because he thought Mush was 'putting his boys in danger.'

There was something more though. Ever since Spot hugged me, he's looked at me differently. The key around his neck was always being held by one of his hands. Whenever Spot looked at me, it felt like he was looking at me like I was his little sister. It wasn't a regular little sister look though. It had more depth like he didn't want me to leave, but not in a lover way.

"Spot leave Mush alone!" I shoved Spot off of Mush and helped Mush up and hugged him as tight as I could without causing him more pain.

"What the heck Ella?!" Spot snapped at me.

"Spot, ya were hurting him! Why?! He did nothing to ya!" I snapped right back at him as I stormed over to face him.

"He's puttin' all of us in danga bein' here! Ise jus want ya safe Ella!" Spot snapped back. He was glaring his infamous 'Spot Conlon Glare' right at me.

"Why do you even care about me?! I'm not your little sister you have to protect! I can take care of myself!"

Through gritted teeth Spot said, "Ise lost my lil' sista ta da Crib (Irish Mob). She was a year younga den me. No 9-year-old deserves ta die dat early. When Ise look at youse, I see her. I ain't loosin anotha person ta da Crib (Irish Mob)!"

This made us all go hush. You could only hear Spot's heavy breathing. He looked at all his boys and yelled at them to go get their papes just as the Circulation Bell rang. Not wanting to be soaked, they did as they were told. I don't blame them one bit. Spot was starting to scare me at how he was acting even more vicious. Let's just say I heard cuss words I didn't know existed.

"Spot, I-I didn't know... I'm so sorry-"

"Yeah whateva. Go back ta Kelly an his boys-"

"Spot, we ain't leavin' ya. Ise know ya don' want me here, but I ain't leavin' my goil," Mush said walking up and resting his left hand on my right shoulder.

Spot looked at Mush then smirked.

"Ya got guts disobeyin' me Mush,"

"Soak him, and I will find a way to soak you even worse," I stated flatly looking at Spot.

"Message received lil' one," Spot said ruffling my hair. This earned him a playful glare. "So how ya gonna stop da Delanceys exactly?"

"Well," I started,"I was hoping that the Brooklyn Newsies could help us back home. Jack will help. I know he will. Spot if you-?"

"Wese in. If it means cleanin' up dis crap dat made ya run, Ise in. Plus, youse gotta go so da boys don' think Ise goin soft," Spot playfully smirked. I giggled and hugged him sisterly thanking him repeatedly.

Mush chuckled and pulled me away knowing Spot was a bit uncomfortable.

With that said, we waited till the boys, including Spot, got back from selling their papes. When the boys finally got back, we all started heading for Manhattan with Spot on my right and Mush on my left. The Delancey Brothers won't know what's coming for 'em.

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