Chapter 8 Doctor's Orders

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     That was the worst night of sleep I have ever had!

     First off, I was restless. I couldn't stop worrying about Mush and all of the other Newsies. This was all my fault. I'm the reason they are beaten and in the hospital.

     Second, the chair wasn't comfy. It was wooden and had no cushion since the hospital couldn't afford them.

     Third, Mr. DuPree kept rushing in and out of every room throughout the night.

     "I'm so sorry Mush. I never meant for any of this to happen to you guys. Especially you my New York City Love," I whispered and cried as I kissed his forehead.

     He doesn't wake up very often, and when he does it's to take medicine, or go to the bathroom. He has talked to me every once and a while. He will say 'I love ya...' and then go back to sleep. He's been in here for 3 days now and it's killing me. Margret and Race have become close, they say they are just friends but I am pretty sure they like each other.

     "I love you..." Mush said as he started to wake up. He was still all bruised and beaten. I ran to his bedside and sat on the edge of it facing him.

     "I love you too Mush. How are you feeling?" was all I got to say before Mr. DuPree came rushing in to give Mush more medicine.

     "Heya Docta..." Mush said quietly in pain. "When do I get outta here and go back ta da lodge...?"

     I was holding Mush's hand lightly and squeezed it as Mr. DuPree told him the news.

     "Son, you'll have to stay here until you get better. Who knows how long that will take, but no matter what, you can't leave this room. Doctor's orders," he said as he walked out of the room.

     I looked over at Mush to see his reaction. He looked angry and weak.

     "Mush this is for the best. You need to rest and get better. I know it's hard but-" was all I could get out before Mush cut me off.

     "Ella, Ise couldn' protect ya. I couldn' do nuthin'. My strength was gone, an I was about ta knock out but seein' youse was comin' ta me, I had a reason ta stay awake," he said as he drifted off into sleep. Just saying that wore him out.

     I went and visited the rest of the boys that were in the hospital. Blink's eye that was in the eye patch was swollen shut even worse if that's possible. His whole face was swollen in fact. Cowboy had sprained knees, and he was bruised all over. Race was beaten pretty badly. His arm was sprained and wrapped wto keep it steady. Margret would not leave his side unless she had to. Mrs. DuPree had to drag me out of the room to visit the others. Crutchie was the worst under Mush. His bad leg had gotten worse. He said that his limp was awful, but Crutchie being Crutchie said that people would know that he was a real crip. This broke my heart. When I got to Spot, he almost made me cry. He was so weak his usual spunk wasn't there. He didn't have the fire in his eyes like the Spot Conlon I knew before. This one had pure pain in his eyes  and was trying to fight back tears. This made my heart shatter, because Spot never cries. Ever.
When I ran back to Mush's room crying, I noticed that he was awake.

     "Mush!" I cried as ran to his bedside. It hurt me to know that I couldn't hug him or hold him. He said once that he wanted to "hold his Ella."

     "Heya goily. I woke up and youse weren't there. I thought ya got tired of me," he said dazed. He had obviously just gotten more medicine.

     "I would never get tired of you, Mush. How are ya feeling?" I asked him while holding his hand lightly.

This time he didn't fall asleep.

     "Not too good. My stomach feels like pure hoarse crap, and Doc's orders say that I can't leave dis room. At least I gots my Ella here..." he said quietly as he coughed. I quickly gave him some water.

I laid next to him and snuggled into him as close as I could without hurting him. I kissed his cheek and we both drifted off into a sleep. Even with him beaten and weak, I still felt safe with him.

Hey guys, I know this chapter was a little boring, but I wanted to give an update on the guys. So Race and Margret... They have a budding romance. I have a few questions that I would really like answers to:

1). Should I skip to when Mush and the other boys get out of the hospital or do a few chapters of them in the hospital?
2). Should I write another fanfic after this one about Race and Margret?
3). How are you guys enjoying the story so far?

Please answer these questions , and I'll be sure to check them all. Also, if you have questions, please ask and I promise I will answer whenever I get the chance. Thanks Fansies. Luv you all ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


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