Chapter 11 The Fire Origins

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     We were all glaring daggers at Martin. Mush had to hold me back so I wouldn't pounce on him. Martin took a deep breath before explaining.

     "I know how the fire started and who started it... Just know that it wasn't me," he said as his voice was shaking.

     "Why should we believe you?" I asked bitterly.

     "You shouldn't after everything I've done to you guys, but I wanted to make things right. I've known about this since the trial, but I was afraid of what would happen if I spoke about it," Martin continued. He was staring at the matches on the table.

     "Talk, but that doesn't mean I'm going to listen," I sneered. Once he started talking everything made sense.

~the meeting of the parents~

     "Mr. Thomas, it's very nice to meet you finally after talking across the phone for so long," Mr. Margery said as he shook hands with Mr. Thomas, "I can assure you that this meeting won't waste your time. Mayor Van Wyck has been considering about doing a little remodeling here in New York City, and as his assistant he has asked me if I would come to you and ask to see fit that Mr. Roosevelt give the mayor money to help remodel the city."

     "Mr. Margery, I am only Mr. Roosevelt's banker. I cannot be a say in this matter. You must take this up with Mr. Roosevelt's assistant, Mr. Rodgers, or Mr. Roosevelt himself. I'm sorry, but this was a waste of my time for you to come and ask me. Yes, I'm responsible for his money, but I do not have a say in what he uses it for," Mr. Thomas said in a slightly annoyed voice.

Mr. Margery just looked frustrated. Their wives were in the kitchen cooking brunch.

     "Mr. Thomas, I didn't come here to make small talk. I'm sure you can find a way to somehow get the money for Mayor Van Wyck without Mr. Roosevelt knowing"

      "You want me to steal money from my boss who is also the governor of the state of New York!? I do understand the want for the money, but this is not the way to go about getting it. Mr. Margery, you should know that I cannot just take the money from my employer's bank account. I am sorry, but the decision is final. If you need the money so badly you may want to talk to Mr. Rodgers or Mr. Roosevelt himself. I am going to have to ask you to leave," Mr. Thomas said as he stood up from the couch.

     "Darling, let's go. This meeting was a big mistake," Mr. Margery sneered.

Just then Martin came barging in. He looked furious just like his dad.

     "I want to go home Dad! Now!" exclaimed Martin as he stomped towards his father.

     "We were just leaving Martin. Come on Darlin we are going," Mr. Margery said sternly as he grabbed both Martin and his wife.

He dragged both of them out of the out of the Thomas' house and got into their carriage and drove home.

     "Mr. Thomas will realize how much of a mistake he made. He will pay for not going along with this," Mr. Margery said.

     "Dad," said Martin, "how come I have such a temper when I like someone or something? I just beat up Newsies and made Ella unconscious. I need to make it up to them-"

     "Martin shut up! I am thinking right now!" Mr. Margery exclaimed at his son. "I know exactly what to do. Martin where are the matches that we use for the lamps?"

     "They are in the the little drawer next to the silverware drawer... why...?"

     "Never mind that. I'll be a little late for dinner..." Mr. Margery said slyly making his family worry.

              ~~~the fire~~~

Mr. Margery left his household right as dinner started and secretly took the box of matches. Knowing what would happen if he drive the carriage, he walked all of the way to the Thomas' household. He secretly lit all of the matches all around the house and threw them near the house. As he threw the final match, he was the Thomas' talking over the whole situation of what happened with Martin and the Newsies because Martin had telephoned them the whole story and apologized for what he did. He laughed quietly and psychotically before he threw the last match and quickly went back home for dinner. When everything went up in flames and the whole city rushed over to the house, the Margerys did as well. Martin saw Ella and the Newsies and saw this as an opportunity to apologize, but his dad held him back and took Martin and Mrs. Margery into an alley and told them all he did. He had a crazy psychotic grin on his face that scared both Martin and his mother. Mr. Margery threatened to beat them both if either of them reported him to police. Both absolutely terrified, they agreed.

            ~~~the diner~~~

     "So you see, I've been trying to think of ways to tell you, but I've been so scared of what my dad would do to me if he found out what I was doing. I know it was wrong to not tell you right away and I'm really sorry for that. I'd like to make it up to you guys in anyway I can," Martin said as he was shaking. He hadn't taken his eyes off of the box of empty matches.

All I could do was stare at him. This kid was threatened by his own father not to tell the truth to anyone, yet he came and told me the whole story! Maybe Martin isn't as bad as I thought...

     "Martin? How would youse like ta help is bust ya dad for doin' dis ta Ella?" Mush asked Martin as he held me and was stroking my hair comfortingly helping me calm down from the news I just received.

     "I'd love too. Thanks for letting me explain and tell you guys. You don't know how much this has been bugging me," Martin said as he looked at all of the boys.

     "Wese could tell ya were serious when ya started shakin' an cryin' a lil' while tellin' about ya fatha threatenin' ya," Racetrack commented.

     "We need a plan. I've got ideas..." I said for the first time since before Martin started telling the story making the boys look at me funny.

We all gathered back at the lodge and started discussing on how all of this was going to play out.

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