Chapter 17 The Dropoff

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I hurriedly grabbed my things and climbed off of the balcony onto the tree with ease. Mush had taught me how to climb buildings about a week ago, and it was so much-

No Ella, no. You must not think about him. No matter how much you want to, you can't.

As I'm casually walking down the dark streets of Manhattan, Mush runs up to me and bear hugs me. Why does he have to be out now?

     As I start pulling away from the hug, Mush kisses me. It's so sweet. I've missed his kisses very much. When we pull away, I hand him the paper.

"What's dis? A love letta?" Mush asks while smirking playfully.

"Something like that," I say under my breath as Mush starts reading it.

I have never seen him so hurt in his life, and I feel like crap for writing the letter.

His reaction is unexpected. I flinched as he ripped the paper to shreds and looked at me. I couldn't read his emotions which is so not usual.


     "Ella why? Why didn' youse jus tell me? Ise coulda hoit em. Why don' ya think wese can' woik it out? Dis is a heck of a lot easia den Martin's fatha. Ella-"

     I couldn't take it anymore. Hearing those words broke me. I am so confused with my life. Just as I start to run away, Mush pulls me into another embrace and holds me. He strokes my hair as I sob into him. His shirt is soaked by the time I'm calming down, but he doesn't say anything.

     "Ella... Shh... Ise here an I'll help ya wit dis. Don' run away cause youse got people who love ya an one person who would kill an give his own life ya save ya life," Mush stated as I looked up at him. He wiped my tears though it did nothing.

     I cocked my head to the side as I did not know what the last part meant. Who would ever do that for me? Mush could obviously tell I didn't get it.

     He kissed my forehead and put my hand on his heart, and his hand over mine and said, "Dat guy is me an don' think I won' do dose things ta save da love of my life-"

     I kissed him. He knew what to do to make me feel better and to get me to do the right thing.

     As we pulled away, I said, "Mush I love you too. I was stupid to ever think ya would let me do this. I am so sorry. If it'd be alright, I want my bunk back at the lodge?"

     "Dat would be fine. Wese got one open jus in case ya decided ta come back. Wese carved ya name on da wall behind it so it was yours only. It's probably spelled wrong but-"

     "It's perfect already... I love you Mush... forever and always..." I said as I crashed in his arms. That's all I remember before I woke in my old bunk, against the wall, above Boots, with my name "Ela" carved in the wall.

     Ain't it a fine life so far?

Hey y'all!
     I know I'm the worst person ever when it soles to updating. Yesterday was crazy! I had to go to a party for my cousin after school so therefore I had no time to update. I'm so sorry! I have brought this today rather than a month later. I have decided that I will update again a little later to make up for the update loss. I originally had something else planned for this chapter, but @Ember77 had commented on Chapter 15 saying Ella shouldn't run away and face her fears. I took that into account and so that is how Ella stayed. Go follow @Ember77 as her comment throughout this story are hysterical and she is very cool. Please comment, like, and vote and I promise that I will update later. Love you guys!!!


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