Chapter 15 Here We Go Again

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Ella's POV

     Once I got up to the room I now shared with Margaret, I collapsed onto my bed and cried softly so no one would hear me. Margaret was out with Racetrack on a friendly stroll with a chaperone who was Skittery. Margaret has a huge crush on Race, and he has one on her so hopefully they will be together soon.

     Why am I crying? Probably should say, shouldn't I?

     I had just been with Mush yesterday, and I could tell he could tell something was wrong with me. He is right. Lately since the whole press thing with Mr. Margery, I've been getting a lot of tormenting from the girls at my school. Now of course I was a popular girl, but I was not the typical one. My parents thought of the Newsies as regular people since they bought papers from different ones always. The tormenting has gotten gradually worse everyday since Mush and I were officially announced boyfriend-girlfriend. I try not to take it so hard, but it hurts knowing that these people, whom I thought were my friends, turned their backs on me. It really hurts. Today I just got smacked across the face by the new most popular girl in school, Lilian McConkey. Lilian and I go way back. Our parents were friends, and so were we. When I got home from school I rushed into the new makeup I had gotten and quickly covered it up. Only Mr. DuPree was home, but he was busy in his work reports being a doctor and all. Margaret was my best friend and has always truly been like a sister to me. We normally walk home together, and the girls who normally pick on me know what her parents can do so they never do anything when we are together. Today was different. Today I was slapped and told I was a worthless piece of crap that no one will ever love. Now that-that broke me. Not just broke, but shattered me. Everyday when I wake all I can think is "Here we go again."

     It's now dinner, and I put in a mask that says, "I'm fine." Margaret is talking about her stroll and I honestly just block it out. All I can think about is Mush and the girls who torment me on a daily basis. I excuse myself and go upstairs. As quickly as I can, I gather up everything I own and stuff it into my cloth sack and stash it all under my bed. After everyone is in bed, I will leave and run away. Sitting at my desk, I start writing a letter to Mush telling him about everything going on. The last line ends in "Here we go again..."

Hey guys!!! Oh my gosh how u have missed everyone so much!!! I apologize so much for not updating in over a month. I know y'all must be mad and I can assure you I totally get it. How was your Halloween? I had a great time with Mrs_Percy_Jackson818 and other friends. Okay so I know I said this before but I will try and make a weekly habit of updating Friday. Again I am truly sorry for not updating. Now a lot of you got the hint of a Racetrack and Margaret story, so hopefully I can start it soon!!! I would like to try and write both at the same time, but I have to see. So a lot of you probably are at this point like "Why hasn't she updated?" Well I will tell you. I moved!!! I have been moving, packing, and unpacking the whole month of October so that is another reason as to why I haven't updated. Please comment and vote!!! Feedback always helps!!! Also, if you are not already, please follow and I will follow back. Love you guys!!!


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