Chapter II | Broomhill

Start from the beginning

   His son cringed at his father's pathetic condition. The prince trudged out the room angrily, leaving his poor-excuse of a father to his wife, whom he cheated on frequently.

"He's just being a young boy. Foolish and improper, your majesty," the Queen whispered in his ear.

"Your majesty...yes!" He laughed loudly and pulled his wife into a sloppy kiss.


Storybrooke: Present

Regina and Ben walked into Granny's as the people turned to see the new person. "Is he the creature?! Let's get 'em boys!" Leroy commanded, waving his hands in motion to Ben.

"Wait! Wait!" Regina said, blocking Ben. He looked at her, confused as to why she'd defend him. "He's not here to hurt us. If he was he'd be dead right now," she said in a cold tone that sent chills up his spine but also attraction.

   "Well this is our turf pretty boy so scram," Leroy said loudly.

   "My turf Leroy, you know that," Granny interjected, while walking over to Ben. 

   "You should to go to the forest more often Regina," Granny said while staring at Ben. 

   Ben just smiled awkwardly.  Emma, Snow, David, and Henry then walked up to him. 

   "Welcome to Storybrooke, I'm Henry," the little boy said, offering his hand to the man, which he shook generously. 

  Ben chucked and got down to his level.  "Hello Henry.  I'm Benjamin.  So who are all of you?" He asked, standing up. 

   "I'm Henry's birth mother, my name's Emma," the blonde said as he shook her hand.  They smiled at each other.

   "Nice to meet you Emma," he said and then turned to Regina.

   "She's my adoptive mom," Henry explained. 

   Ben nodded his head and gave her a small smile.  "Snow White.  And this is my husband Prince Charming or just David," Snow said. 

   "Well hello Snow White and Just David," Ben teased and they laughed.  Regina on the other hand just rolled her eyes. 

   "So where are you from?" Henry asked.

   "I'm from Eldaland.  I lived in Broomhill a town in King Pharaoh's kingdom my whole life," he explained.

   "Cool!" Henry said and Regina couldn't help but smile. "Hey mom can Ben stay over? We can show him around town and everything," Henry said to Regina.

Regina instantly smiled and said, "Of course." She wasn't really looking forward to having Ben stay over, but whatever.

"It's been a long day, so how about tomorrow I show you around town-" Regina said.

"And we can meet up at my place to plan out how to defeat these things," Snow suggested.

"Right," Regina agreed.


   Ben, Henry walked into Regina's house, the house still in pristine condition.  "This place is your house?  It's huge," Ben said, amazed.  "It's so beautiful."

   "Thank you," Regina stated plainly.

"Hey mom we should show him his room," Henry suggested. "C'mon Ben!"

Henry ran upstairs and Ben followed with a smile. Regina dragged herself upstairs, trailing behind the former bandit. Henry and Ben reached the hallway with all the bedrooms.

"This is my room. Oh by the way, rule one. Always make your bed after you wake up and always keep your room clean," Henry explained.

"Hey bandit, you can sleep in here. Oh another rule, this one is only for you...never go in my bedroom, okay?" She said, poking him in the chest.

"Yes, I respect your privacy. Everyone deserves that," he said.

God why does he have to say stuff like that?! It makes it a lot harder to not like him!

She sighed and smirked slightly. "Well the blanket's on the bed. There's a lamp and a ceiling fan. All your bedroom basics," she explained.

"It can some taking used to. It's a big house. So lots to explore," Henry said with a smile.

   "Thank you, Regina and Henry," Ben said and grabbed Regina's shoulder, receiving a glare. 

   As Regina descended the stairs Henry said, "She's a bit rough around the edges."

   Ben just laughed as he entered his room.  The bed was a queen size, fit for a bandit.  His calloused hands traced the lining of bed.  He was poor all his life, he had never seen such intricate patterns since he broke into Pharaoh's castle. 

   "Oh!  I can't sleep in this," he said. 

   He got out of the room walking down the hallway to were he suspected was Regina's room.  He knocked on the door with his knuckles.  "Uh...Regina I apologize but...its kind of uncomfortable to sleep in leather," he said nervously. 

   She groaned and got out of her bed, walking to the door.  She materialized some men's clothing.  "Here's a t-shirt and cotton pants," she said handing him the clothes.

   "Thank you," he said.

   Once he entered the room he closed the door and took off his bow and arrows, placing them on the floor.  He removed his leather jacket and then his shirt, revealing his carved chest and abdomen.  He had some hair, but he really didn't care that much. 

   Once he got dressed he climbed into bed.  Only one thing was on his mind. 

   Only one person was on his mind.


The Next Day...

Ben woke up late due to the cloud-like bed. Henry came into the room and had woken him up. Ben stretched his muscles before walking downstairs.

Regina was making breakfast for them and her eyes fell onto Ben. His muscles bulged through the white t-shirt. Focus Regina! "Good morning," Ben said, yawning.

"Morning Ben," Henry said with a smile. "We'll go to the store after breakfast. Here have some pancakes," Henry said and scooped some up placing them on a plate.

"Thank you."


The Store

"Well just pick out what you like I suppose," Regina said, leaning against a clothes rack.

Ben had picked out several outfits. Lots of leather jackets, jeans, some nice shoes, and many shirts. They also picked up some man necessities like a razor or cologne.

"What do you think?" He asked, trying on an outfit.

"You look...okay," she said, lying. He looked handsome and dashing.

It was time to go over to the dreaded Charmings.


King Pharaoh's Round Table: 5 Years Ago

Captain Jonathan Ainsworth Jr. walked into the round table room in the castle. Pharaoh had his legs propped up in the table as a wretch stood beside him caressing his face.

"Captain. What's the news on my son?" He asked.

"He's dead my lord. Remember you had him killed for treason, last night. You were drunk weren't you-" John said and the king abruptly got up and grabbed John.

"You dare accuse me of my son's death?!" The King asked and punched the captain. "Be gone! Or I'll have your head!"

That's it. No more mister nice guy. I'll show Pharaoh what I can do. I will be the best captain!

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