Chapter 13 - Abby's mama-wolf reacts

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Kadrian cleared his throat, "Mrs. Smith here is a verbatim transcript of everything the children told us yesterday. It includes what Tessa told us about what happened. There are pictures of the bruises she was left with as well." He slid the folder down the table to her, "If you need we will bring the children in later and you can talk to them. Oh, there are recordings of what was said as well."

Mrs. Smith quirked an eyebrow at the folder, but she did pull it towards her. She had been dealing with Mr. Mac Tire' Dona for many years and though a bit odd he was a very good person. If anything happened with his extended family, he was quick to step in and take care of business. If one of the teens did wrong, he dealt with it. If one of his teens was an innocent victim, he also dealt with it, "Thank you and I will let you know."

She turned back to the other set of parents and wanted to laugh at their staring at Kadrian, "David tell me your version of what happened."

Before David could speak his mother spoke this time, "It is not fair for you to question him in front of them since their children aren't here. If you are going to question my son I don't want them in the room or they have their children brought here." She glared at the others and tried to look elegant as she looked down her nose at them.

Mike ended up staring at her as he tried to figure out if she honestly cared about her son or not. Granted she didn't know what they were but the fact Zane had damn near throttled her son should mean something. He leaned back in the seat he was in and all he could do was stare at her. *Kad, it would resolve one issue though how we explained the bodies would be somewhat difficult.* He was almost temped to do it.

Abby snarled at David's mother, "Why the hell would I want my children in the same room with the brats who sexually assaulted her? Give me one good reason? The only reason I'm here is to hopefully keep my daughter from having to see the ones who assaulted her." Damn it, even with the Luna's presence her momma-wolf was struggling not to kill the bitch, "On top of it your precious little baby has pushed my children around before. He is a bully and a chicken. If he thinks he is stronger than someone else, he will push them around. You and your husband are no different. I refuse to be in the same room with cowards like any of you." She stood and slammed the door to the room open and walked out with her mate next to her.

Simone's parents stood up as well. Her mother spoke, "You are no longer welcome in our shop. Good bye and good riddance you self-centered bitch." They stormed out of the room as well. They were no longer going to deal with either family.

The Luna had forced Abby and Brandon to leave or one or the other would have attacked. They were very junior but for their children they would have. When Simone's parents stood and stormed out, she hadn't been expecting it. *Kadrian I told them to go back to the pack house.* She was giving David and Leon's mother's a very cool stare, it was almost as if she was saying they weren't worth the hassle. That would get them going.

The others on their side couldn't help but be impressed. As the scents of the others filled the room it was enough to make their wolves want to cover their muzzles with their paws and even sneeze to clear the stench out.

Mrs. Smith traded looks with the Officer before looking around the room, "In this case I see no alternative to removing all the children involved from school. From what I understand based on what I have been told Simone and the twins did not assault the others. Those three will be expected to come back to school tomorrow. This is unless a valid reason is given for them not to come back now. I will have their various teachers provide assignments to ensure the others do not fall behind. They can get notes from their friends. Mr. and Mrs. Walpert take your son and leave please. Mr. and Mrs. Baker take your son and leave as well. This is to keep your groups from encountering each other. Officer please escort them from the building."

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