Chapter 12 - Zane tells Olivia about what happened

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~~~ David and Leon at the mall

David and Leon were doing their best not to act smug when the mall cop called for the police. It was hard, but they were used to pulling the innocent kid thing. It had worked in the past and it was going to work this time. Neither even considered the others might make counter charges since they were pansies. They hung around with those two losers and protected them as if it made them look big and tough.

As the security officer was providing more information to the security office the two boys called their parents. When they called they did their best to sound scared and pathetic though normally it didn't matter. Their parents were almost oblivious to what their boys did. They were the perfect children and obeyed when told to do something. None of their parents could simply believe their precious sons could be bullies. Those called took a short time before they were told by their parents they would be there shortly.

David caught Leon's eyes, and both knew this was going to be fun. They were going to get back at the others and make sure nobody fucked with them again. This would get around the school and very few would even consider getting in their way. Granted there were some people neither boy would screw with simply because they were stronger or meaner. That still left most of the little fry they could push around and not have to worry about.

When their parents arrived, David hurried over to his mom and threw his arms around her and sniffed into her shirt, "I was so scared mom, I thought they were really going to hurt me." Leon could do his own sniveling to his mother. David's father was furious, and he was ranting about wanting those horrible and rotten kids arrested for this. The police had arrived just before the adults since they had to look their best before showing up.

After the officers took the statements they talked to the crowd to see if anyone had witnessed anything. By this time David and Leon's parents had taken them home to comfort them. Even as they were leaving they were demanding justice and satisfaction for this brutal attack on their innocent children. As they were leaving Mindy had left as well. She had heard the police calling for a patrol car to go to the pack house to get their side of the story.

~~~ David and Leon gloat about the attack

Both sets of parents decided to go to David's house and wait for the police to inform them the others were arrested. They simply couldn't believe or imagine it wouldn't happen. While they were waiting David and Leon slipped upstairs to David's room. David flopped on the bed while Leon did the same in a chair, "It was so perfect. I had simply wanted to fuck with the stupid cunt. Now we get to have them arrested. Even if nothing happens we have paid them back."

Leon gave a crude laugh and sighed since he would love to have a beer right now. It wouldn't be a good idea since chances were, they would be called down when the cops came back. At least now the pigs would actually earn their pay, "Her reaction and scream were great. Good thing nobody else heard it or we might be in trouble. Who would believe those losers even if they try and say something happened." Their parents were well respected through the community and were always invited to the various balls and parties. The others? Who cared, they lived in some sub-division outside of town. It was probably some run-down place which was dirty and nasty.

Eventually David's mother knocked on the door, "Come downstairs, the police are here." She turned and walked back down and settled down next to her husband. The Detectives had asked for their children come down before they said anything. Having a detective or two deal with this was only right. They gave enough to the police and fireman's fund to be given the best treatment.

The two boys clattered down the stairs and settled down in some chairs and were doing their best to look upset. The Detectives glanced at the two boys before looking at their parents, "We went and interviewed the others involved in this issue. We have a few more questions for your children if it's okay." They had to ask the parents since the boys were minors.

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