Chapter 10 - I won't kill you David, that's all I promise

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~~~ David finds the results of the wolf'svisit

The following morning David was just getting ready to get out of bed when his mother screeched. It was a sound he was somewhat used to, but this shriek was not quite normal. Due to it he rolled out of bed and hurried downstairs. Chances were good his father was already gone and at work. As he followed the sounds from his mother he finally reached the back door and froze. His mother was standing there with a horrified expression on her face. She was clutching onto the door frame with her long scrawny fingers and one foot was in the air.

When he glanced down he could only stare at the missive pile of crap on the porch. It was obvious she had stepped in it since there was some on the bottom of her foot. David knew if he laughed he would regret it later, so he forced the guffaw back and tried to speak normally, "Mom? What..." He didn't know what to say since they didn't have any pets and had a tall fence around their property.

She screeched again and shook her foot. It didn't work well since it scattered the crap around, "Get me a wet towel David and hurry!" She screamed again in disgust. This was why she had never wanted a pet or allowed an animal in their house. They were disgusting nasty things who crapped and pissed wherever they wanted.

David hurried to take care of it. When he came back and quickly wiped the shit off her foot he glanced at the yard and almost stopped moving. There were several piles of crap, anything chewable had been shredded, and, well, it was a mess. Damn it and if he didn't get out of there shortly he might have to clean the mess up. If he could hurry out of there the hired help would take care of it, "Let me help you inside mom."

~~~ Rico, Melody, and Zane talk

The next morning Zane woke up and sighed. Tessa was again in her wolf form curled up next to him. He wanted to glower at her, but he didn't have the energy. Last night he had started having nightmares again and he figured she had sensed them. Since he had a feeling grumbling at her would just make her feel bad he decided not to. Instead he rolled on his side after a good stretch, "Morning Tessa and thank you." He curled an arm around her wolf and gave her a good hug. He did appreciate their concern even if he still wanted to push people away.

With a groan he rolled on his back and stretched again before rolling off the bed. He stumbled over to his dresser and pulled out some clothing before heading towards the bathroom. At some point he was going to need to talk to Tessa and Oscar about just what he needed and or wanted. Their actions still confused him since it was so foreign to his human side. After brushing his teeth, he stepped into the shower and smiled at the warmth of the water. It did help but he couldn't stay in too long. They needed to get to school and then afterwards go and spend time with Olivia. Anne had taken to coming with since she was bringing Olivia's homework to her.

Most of it was done by Anne but they were doing their best to keep Olivia in the loop, so she knew what was going on. By now he was out of the shower and glanced in the mirror and was pleased to see he didn't look quite so much like crap as he had been. Most of it was related to his not sleeping well and the nightmares he was having. Zane didn't want to admit it but having either Tessa or Oscar curled up next to him was helping. He could feel their concern for both him and Olivia as well as the others in their small group.

Zane finally made it downstairs and gave Oscar a smile as he placed a cup of coffee in front of him at the table. Just to be silly Zane started chanting 'coffee, coffee, coffee', much to their amusement, "I so don't have any urge to go to school darn it. I really don't but if I didn't Unc would growl and Liv would hit me with a crutch." He sighed and started eating. What he really wanted to do was sit at Olivia's bedside and be there with her.

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