Chapter 23

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AN: I'm baccccccckkkkkk!!!!!!!

I have been gone because I was extremely ill 🤒🤒🤒🤒🤒

I began with bronchitis and my doctor was dumb and said for me to try to get over the sickness with my own power- which it didn't 🤔🤔🤔🤔

So I developed pneumonia, two ear infections, a throat infection and a sinus infection

I was given HEAVY amounts of codeine and antibiotics and now I am just dealing with the ear infections and bronchitis,

I am doing much better and I am able to finally move around and live life instead of being stuck to my bed,

I appreciate all of your patience, I had really hoped I would not get sick over the break- but things happen I guess.

Chapter 23

Anastasia's POV:

"That's cold." I shivered as Chase looked at the monitor.

"Oh stop your bitchin'." Brandon said looking at his phone. Chase chuckled lightly as I shook my head.

"He is so comforting, isn't he?" I sighed looking down at my stomach.

"What can you do? He will never change he is too old." Chase teased.

"I'm not even thirty yet!" Brandon said sitting up.

"Relax Masterson, now pay attention." Chase said moving the gel around my stomach.

"Well aren't you two lucky." He scoffed.

"Lucky? First time parents and we are having twins." Brandon said and I smacked his hand annoyingly.

"A boy and a girl!" Chase smiled wiping the gel off my stomach. I smiled while looking at the black and grey monitor.

"There at least you get your boy." I said rubbing the top of his hand.

"Because that is what he needs, another one exactly like him." Chase laughed rolling his eyes.

"Anyways, they are about a pound and a half off from the projected chart which worries me slightly since we will be doing a cesarean procedure."

"What do you mean they are off?" I asked.

"They are twins so naturally they will both be a little smaller, however you haven't gained much weight either. Are you eating the required calories?" He asked.

"Are you kidding? All she does is eat." Brandon sighed and I nodded.

"I do." I agreed.

"Well, my suggestion is to go on bed rest, eat some wholesome foods and try to get some weight on, hopefully then the two will put on some more weight. I don't want to really take them out when they are so small."

"That should be easy. All you do is lay in bed all day anyways." Brandon teased helping me off the table. I pushed down my shirt and grabbed my winter jacket and put it over my shoulders and placed on my long scarf that covered my stomach. I didn't go out much so I figured I wouldn't have to buy a brand new jacket for only one time.

"I will see you in two weeks, alright?" Chase asked and I nodded pulling on my beanie and opening the door to the back of the parking lot. Brandon placed his arm around my shoulders and pressed a kiss to my temple.

"Are you alright?" He asked as I placed a hand on my stomach.

"Yea I just don't want them to be sick you know?" I whispered looking down. I rubbed my stomach up and down as I got into his car. His car was so down low it took me a while to finally get down into the seat.

"The babies will be fine. We will go home, I'll call Ace to help me put the cribs together, we will pick out some names, get some pizza and nuggets and have a good time, alright?" He asked.

"A twenty pack?" I asked and he placed his hand on my jeans thigh.

"A twenty pack for my beautiful girl." He promised.

Loving Brandon (Second book in Rivers series)Where stories live. Discover now